Thought Leadership

"Thought Leadership: We do not seek to promote ready-made solutions, but to analyse key underlying issues and determine where further thought, dialogue and research are required, bringing together proponents of competing views and identifying common ground and reasons for differences of opinion." 

Definition developed by Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) for their programme. 

Firms sometimes wish to demonstrate these capabilites and call on external contributors. Graham Bishop can assist with such programmes  by undertaking the necessary research. The results can be contributed to events organised by an institution, or published externally and can be in various forms such as  speeches and articles. Graham Bishop's personal Occasional Papers often have their origins in such events as they flow on from our particular style of thought leadership: "cooperative problem-solving".

The Lamfalussy Process - now taken a major step further in the 2010 regualtory reform package - has been an enduring interest for Graham Bishop. It brings together many of the themes of his work in recent decades on the practical mechanics of modern financial markets and the commercial implications that flow from those mechanics in combination with technological change. Add in cross-border consolidation of financial firms as a result of the Single Market and single currency, and these driving forces have powerful implications for public policy. 

Graham Bishop edited several Reports from the Federal Trust when the Lamfalussy Process was under debate and subsequently became one of the European Parliament's two nominees to the first Inter-Institutional Monitoring Group (IIMG). He was Rapporteur of two of their Reports. The current vigorous debate about crisis management  and regulatory convergence is likley to create further profound change and Graham Bishop is at the forefront of the debate. In July 2013, he was selected to be a member of the Commission's Expert Group on debt redemption fund and eurobills. Thought-leadership work will have an important part to play in the years ahead.