Daily/Real-time updates

Many observers of the developments in EU financial services only wish to receive weekly up-dates, as provided by our full weekly e-mail, normally sent to members on a Thursday afternoon. Those who need to keep a watching brief on areas outside their own speciality also welcome our Financial Services Month in Brussels report.


But some need more rapid updates so we provide a facility for an RSS feed from each Timeline so that you can check for up-dates when it is convenient for you, rather than have your e-mail inbox filled up. This feature effectively "pushes" up-dates to you - but provides the maximum opportunity to personalise exactly what updates you receive, as well as the frequency:
You can:
    Be updated whenever any news is added to the GrahamBishop.com web-site: click on the     RSS feed button on our home page www.GrahamBishop.com 

    Be informed whenever your selection of Category/Timeline(s) is up-dated: Go to your choice(s) and click on the RSS feed button
Choose your frequency of up-date:
Internet Explorer 7 provides a menu of choices from daily to every 15 minutes, as well as the capacity to play a tone when an update is received.
Many observers of the developments in EU financial services only wish to receive weekly up-dates, as provided by our full weekly e-mail, normally sent to members on a Thursday afternoon. Those who need to keep a watching brief on areas outside their own speciality also welcome our Financial Services Month in Brussels report.