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The Great Finacial Crash of 2007/8 revealed many shortcomings in the regulations governing the financial system, as well as in the way the supervisors implemented the regulations. However, unethical behaviour and lack of integrity amongst market particpants proved to be a major contributory factor.

In this section, we are collecting some of the Codes of Conduct developed in many sections of the financial system to foster ethical standards that encourage integrity - honesty and strong moral principles. Regulations and supervison can go only so far in building investor trust. The ultimate requirement is belief in the integrity of the adviser.

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Ethics - 20232 articles out of 2.

Ethics - 20225 articles out of 5.

Ethics - 20215 articles out of 5.

Ethics - 20205 articles out of 5.

Ethics - 201915 articles out of 15.

Ethics - 201819 articles out of 19.

Ethics - 201713 articles out of 13.

Ethics - 20165 articles out of 5.

Ethics - 20156 articles out of 6.