Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com adds MCD to its online Interactive Single Rulebook and QA tools Users will now be able to review on the EBA website all the EBA's ]]> April 2019Bank of England: Solvency II: Equity release mortgages – Part 2 SS3/17 sets out a test (the Effective Value Test or ‘the EVT’) to ]]> April 2019ECB: Working paper: Monetary policy transmission to mortgages in a negative interest rate environment The paper finds that banks with a higher ratio of retail overnigh ]]> February 2019FCA publishes findings on long-term mortgage arrears The FCA had previously identified that there was a trend of incre ]]> December 2018Financial Times: Challenger banks boosted by Bank of England rule changes Proposals turn on so-called Pillar 2A capital, or the add-ons of ]]> February 2017