Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com commits to develop a global insurance capital standard by 2016 “It is undeniable that the business of insurance is global, and g ]]> October 2013Euro area sovereign debt crisis leads IIF to announce top-level group to strengthen crisis prevention and resolution practices Senior officials from finance ministries, central banks and mult ]]> June 2012Statement by the co-chairs of the Steering Committee of the Private Creditor/Investor Committee for Greece The overall participation rate is now above 96 per cent, accordi ]]> April 2012Steering Committee of the Private Creditor-Investor Committee for Greece (PCIC) The recorded high rate of participation of 83.5 per cent (€172 bi ]]> March 2012IIF: Euro area crisis seen as major factor in sharp reduction in net private capital flows to emerging markets IIF forecasts 2012 flows to emerging markets at $746 billion – mor ]]> January 2012