Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com Audit and AI – tentative first steps to improve audit quality and efficiency The report reveals how technology is also a catalyst that will he ]]> July 2019ECIIA: Internal audit in the insurance industry guidance The guidance has been prepared by the ECIIA Insurance Committee t ]]> June 2019ACCA responds to Brydon’s Independent Review into the quality and effectiveness of audit ACCA believes that change is needed, but that the successful refo ]]> June 2019ECA inspects EU trade defence instruments Through its participation in the WTO, the EU is committed to an o ]]> May 2019ECA Journal 2/2019 – Fraud and Corruption/Ethics and Integrity One of the key elements often mentioned as a raison d’être for th ]]> May 2019