Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com OVERVIEWThis section gives the timing of the steps in the legislative timetable of the co-decision pro ]]> August 2002DIRECTIVE on FINANCIAL COLLATERAL ARRANGEMENTS ADOPTEDAs expected, the European Parliament finally approved the Council Common Position on Financial ]]> May 2002EP Committee: Recommendation on Collateral adopted The EMAC Committee today adopted the recommendation of Mr Perez Royo on the second reading of ]]> April 2002Rapporteur recommends to adopt Common Position unchangedThe rapporteur of the European Parliament on Financial Collateral Arrangements, Perez Royo, su ]]> March 2002Council Common Position on CollateralThe Council agreed unanimously, without discussion, on a Common Position on the Collateral Dir ]]> March 2002