Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com advice to ESMA on its Consultation Paper on “Guidelines on certain aspects of appropriateness and execution-only”I. Executive summary

1.  The SMSG takes a positive view on the approach of building on re ]]> May 2021BDB: Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID II appropriateness and execution-only requirements General remarks

 Because of the existing regulatory restrictions, there are already cli ]]> April 2021ESMA consultation on Appropriateness Guidelines Under MIFID II: EBF response

General Comments:

Below a few points, the E ]]> April 2021ESMA launches a Common Supervisory Action with NCAs on MiFID II suitability rules The CSA will focus on the application of the MiFID II requirement ]]> February 2020European Forum of Securities Associations paper calls for recalibration of MiFID 2/R