Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com aid: Commission approves amendments to the restructuring plan of ING ING agreed to a fixed repayment schedule, and revamped its propos ]]> November 2012Insurance Insight: Competition keeps prices low for Italian PI "There is a lot of capacity and a lot of competition for this bus ]]> November 2012Commission approves acquisition of part of French insurance company Gan Eurocourtage by rival Allianz of Germany The Commission's investigation confirmed that the notified operat ]]> July 2012State aid: Commission consults on draft Communication on short-term export credit insurance The European Commission is inviting comments on its first draft ]]> June 2012State Aid: Commission approves Finnish short-term export credit insurance scheme Commission Vice President in charge of competition policy, JoaquĆ­ ]]> June 2012