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Home> Briefs by Véron, Nicolas

Nicolas Véron works on financial regulation in the EU and globally, and on other policy issues at the nexus between business, finance and politics. His scope of research includes banking supervision, accounting standards, credit rating agencies, global financial regulatory institutions, corporate finance and governance, industrial policies, economic nationalism, sovereign wealth funds and the internationalisation of large corporations.

He has been involved in the creation and development of Bruegel since late 2002 and has worked there full-time since 2005. In late 2009 he also joined the Peterson Institute for International Economics as a Visiting Fellow, and currently divides his time each month equally between the US and Europe. His numerous publications include policy papers and essays on various issues of European business and financial regulation and a book on accounting standards and practices in a changing financial system (Smoke & Mirrors, Inc.: Accounting for Capitalism, Cornell University Press, 2006). He is a regular columnist for the leading French daily newspaper, La TribuneView website


Véron, Nicolas2 articles out of 2.

Véron, Nicolas3 articles out of 3.

Véron, Nicolas6 articles out of 6.

Véron, Nicolas12 articles out of 12.

Véron, Nicolas8 articles out of 8.

Véron, Nicolas5 articles out of 5.