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10 June 2008

EU-US Summit on strategic partnership

The EU and the US discussed the strengthening of the economic and regulatory co-operation and the de-burdening of enterprises on both sides of the Atlantic, following the co-operation in this field in the framework of the TEC.

The EU and the US discussed the strengthening of the economic and regulatory co-operation and the de-burdening of enterprises on both sides of the Atlantic, following the co-operation in this field in the framework of the Transatlantic Economic Council.


Collaboration between our regulators is critical to further integrating our economies and supports our shared interest in advancing global prosperity, the summit declaration says. With regard to the international financial system it states that “we will take appropriate individual and collective steps to address systemic risks and restore investor confidence.”


“Through multilateral fora and bilateral co-operation, we will work collectively to underpin stability in the international financial system”, it continues. “This includes strengthening prudential oversight, improving risk and liquidity management, enhancing transparency, and fostering international co-operation between supervisors and central banks.”


EU-US summit decleration

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