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22 May 2008

CEBS consults on options and discretions in the CRD

The consultation paper sets out CEBS’s preliminary proposals on the future treatment of options and national discretions. A public hearing will take place on 17 June 2008.

The consultation paper sets out CEBS’s preliminary proposals on the future treatment of options and national discretions.


CEBS proposes to keep as a national discretion approximately one fifth of the 152 provisions covered in its analysis. More than one third of these national discretions will expire within a relatively short period. For the others CEBS is proposing solutions that can bring about further harmonization of supervisory practices and levelling of the playing field among institutions.


CEBS will delver its final advice to the Commission by October 2008. A public hearing will take place on 17 June 2008 at CEBS’s premises.


Deadline for consultation is 15 August 2008.


Press release

Consultation paper

© CEBS - Committee of European Banking Supervisors

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