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30 May 2011

ECR Group: “More Europe” is not the answer to preventing an economic crisis

The ECR welcomes certain proposals from the CRIS committee, such as suggestions for completing the EU's Single Market. However, the report also calls for national contributions to the EU to increase to 5-10 percent of national GDP. It also calls for EU taxes and a common consolidated tax base.

The parliament set up a temporary committee (the CRIS committee) to investigate the causes of the economic crisis and to make proposals on how a future scenario can be averted. The ECR voted against the report.

Dr Swinburne, ECR coordinator on the CRIS committee, said: "MEPs are arguing that if only the EU had control of taxation and social policies then this crisis would not have happened. We do agree that there needs to be better economic governance and a stronger adherence to the Stability and Growth pact but putting national governments into an economic straitjacket is not the answer". "The answer is not 'more Europe', but better economic governance by national treasuries."

Mr Zile, the ECR's shadow rapporteur on the final report, said: "It is a pity that in order to find compromises between political groups, the committee has not taken the opportunity to set out some serious suggestions on ways to improve economic governance, implement responsible budgetary policies and reduce government spending".

Press release

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