The IAESB has published for comment an exposure draft of its proposed 2014-2016 IAESB Strategy and Work Plan. Comments are requested by October 4, 2013.
The proposed strategy and work plan explains how the IAESB works through IFACs’ member bodies to achieve its objective of serving the public interest by:
Establishing a series of high-quality standards and other publications reflecting good practice in the education, development, and assessment of professional accountants;
Promoting the adoption and implementation of the International Education Standards (IESs);
Developing education benchmarks for measuring the implementation of the IESs; and
Advancing international debate on emerging issues relating to the education, development, and assessment of professional accountants.
The IAESB’s proposed strategy focuses on projects and activities aimed at providing adoption and implementation guidance on the revised IESs to interested stakeholders in professional accounting education. This will assist IFAC’s member bodies in increasing the capacity and capability of the global accountancy profession, contributing to strengthened public trust.
“Accounting education remains a fundamental pillar in improving the quality of reporting and auditing financial statements, and continues to be needed by professional accountants to serve the public interest”, said IAESB Chair Peter Wolnizer. “The aim of the '2014-2016 IAESB Strategy and Work Plan' is to provide guidance on implementing requirements that are needed to develop high-quality professional accounting education programmes.”
The IAESB is proposing its work be directed by three priorities, beginning in 2014:
Establishing and developing IESs and pronouncements;
Engaging stakeholders and promoting the adoption and endorsement of the revised IESs; and
Supporting and providing guidance to facilitate the implementation of the revised IESs.
Organisations and individuals with an interest in professional accounting education are invited to respond to the IAESB’s proposals for its strategic direction, projects and activities for the next three years.
Press release
2014–2016 IAESB Strategy and Work Plan
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