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03 July 2013

European Council: Lithuania to focus on economic growth, financial stability and cooperation during EU presidency

Revealing the Presidency's plans, Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė said: "Only by ensuring Europe's financial resilience, improving its competitiveness and boosting growth can we create jobs and restore public trust in the European project". (Includes various links / ALDE statement.)

The Lithuanian president revealed presidency priorities would include strengthening the economic and monetary union, building a banking union, stimulating economic growth and job creation, as well as concluding free trade agreements with the US, Japan, Mediterranean neighbours and cooperating more closely with the EU's eastern partners.

European Commission president José Manuel Barroso commented: “The Lithuanian presidency takes over at a moment when all our focus must be on delivering". (Full speech)

Joseph Daul, the French leader of the EPP group, said he hoped the Lithuanian presidency would be a decisive step in the creation of a true European community for energy. He also stressed the need to carry out deals on the EU's long-term budget and the reform of the Union's agriculture policy.

Hannes Swoboda, the Austrian leader of the S&D group, said he expected the presidency to help overcome the north and south divide in Europe. “For us the success of the presidency is connected to the defence of social dimension", he added.

Press release

See also:

Liberals and Democrats urged Vilnius to take advantage of this period to improve the rights of minorities.

Leonidas Donskis (Liberal Movement, Lithuania), said: "We are the first country in the former Soviet Union to assume the presidency of the EU. This is a new historic role for my country which was one of the main challenges for Russia. But in this postmodern world, tyranny remains. Armed with experience, Lithuania must fight for the Eastern Partnership countries aspiring to democracy."

ALDE-press release

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