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20 May 2008

EP adopted EU consumer policy strategy

Parliament adopted a report on EU consumer policy strategy. MEPs call on the Commission to carefully assess the issue of consumer redress and extensive research should be carried out.

Parliament adopted a report on EU consumer policy strategy (2007-2013) which says that since the greatest obstacles to the development of an internal market in retailing include uncertainties regarding consumer contracts.


MEPs note that in some, but not all, Member States elements of a specific consumer redress system already exist, such as joint actions, group actions, representative actions, test cases and skimming-off procedures; points to the fact that, as a result, consumers may face different legal provisions in cross-border cases in this respect.

MEPs call on the Commission to carefully assess the issue of consumer redress and extensive research should be carried out. The Commission is asked to present a coherent solution at European level, providing all consumers with access to collective redress mechanisms for the settlement of cross-border complaints.


EP press release

Text adopted

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