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Article List:


10 August 2009

Commission review of national aid schemes

The review addresses the effectiveness of the schemes implemented to date and analyses issues raised by Member States in this context.

The Commission issued a review of the aid schemes introduced by Member States and approved by the Commission during the financial crisis. The review was carried out in the context of the renewal process of the guarantee and recapitalisation schemes which started in April 2009. A number of such schemes have meanwhile been prolonged for a further period of six months for reasons of financial stability.


The Commission addresses the effectiveness of the schemes implemented to date and analyses issues raised by Member States in this context. The review furthermore consolidates the requirements common to all approved guarantee and recapitalisation schemes in order to provide additional transparency on the general standard for all such schemes.


Finally, the review gives an overview per Member State of the public resources involved as a percentage of GDP.


Press release



© European Commission

Documents associated with this article

Review of national aid schemes introduced during the financial crisis.pdf

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