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"A single banking system is the mirror image of a single money. As the vast majority of money is bank deposits, money can only be truly single if confidence in the safety of bank deposits is the same irrespective of the Member State in which a bank operates. This requires single bank supervision, single bank resolution and single deposit insurance."

Source: Five Presidents' Report "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union", 22 June 2015

Commission explanation of the need for banking union, and its structure here

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Banking Union - 202280 articles out of 80.

Banking Union - 2021119 articles out of 119.

Banking Union - 2020187 articles out of 187.

Banking Union - 2019326 articles out of 326.

Banking Union - 2018374 articles out of 374.

Banking Union - 2017328 articles out of 328.

Banking Union - 2016259 articles out of 259.

Banking Union - 2015226 articles out of 226.

Banking Union - 2014266 articles out of 266.

2013 Banking Union
2013-12-20 BIS publishes three working papers on monetary policy
2013-12-20 BIS: Final paper on longevity risk transfer markets issued by the Joint Forum
2013-12-20 Reuters: Path to a stronger financial system still strewn with dangers
2013-12-18 GOV.UK: Creating stronger and safer banks
2013-12-12 Plenary Session: European Central Bank - "Independence without democratic scrutiny is dangerous"
2013-12-12 ECB/Praet: Interview with the Financial Times
2013-12-10 SEC: Agencies issue final rules implementing the Volcker Rule
2013-12-05 Reuters: Regulators' emphasis on resolution plans may be misplaced
2013-12-04 ECB conference reaffirms value of international central bank cooperation
2013-12-03 BoE publishes Financial Stability Report
2013-11-26 CISI/BSI: Setting the standard for a safer, more trusted financial services sector
2013-11-23 The Economist: Global banking - You break it, you own it
2013-11-23 IFR: CFTC opens door to agency swaps model
2013-11-22 ECB/Draghi: Opening speech at the European Banking Congress "The future of Europe"
2013-11-21 ECB opinion on proposed Directive on basic bank accounts
2013-11-20 Handelsblatt: EU's Barnier to propose law separating bank activities
2013-11-19 Council of the EU and ECB publish MoU on SSM
2013-11-19 Right to basic bank account for all backed by Economic Affairs Committee MEPs
2013-11-18 Beck & Trebesch: A bank restructuring agency for the eurozone – Cleaning up the legacy losses
2013-11-15 Reply from ECB/Draghi to the SSM Working Group's letter of 28 October 2013
2013-11-15 Barnier interview with Europolitics: Bank resolution - Majority of states support key elements
2013-11-15 Bloomberg: Germany digs in against risk-sharing in EU bank failure plan
2013-11-14 HLEG/Liikanen: How to improve financial stability and resilience of SIFIs after the crisis?
2013-11-14 Bloomberg: EU lawyers say EBA can't bind Commission on bank resolution
2013-11-14 Lithuanian Presidency: Agreement on Single Resolution Mechanism needed
2013-11-14 Bloomberg: Draghi says ECB satisfied with state aid rules after EU response
2013-11-14 ECB: Bank reactions after capital shortfalls
2013-11-14 BoE/Miles: Housing, leverage and stability in the wider economy – speech by David Miles
2013-11-13 Plan to raid bank creditors could shatter Europe's calm
2013-11-12 Reuters: EU banks outside eurozone likely to overcome stress test divide
2013-11-12 VP Almunia: A stronger regulatory framework and the Banking Union will support a return to growth
2013-11-12 Wolfgang Schäuble: Taking the necessary action
2013-11-11 ECB/Cœuré: Savers aren't losing out
2013-11-10 WSJ: German savings banks flex political muscle
2013-11-08 ECB publishes its opinion on the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)
2013-11-08 Association of German Banks on bank resolution: "There must be no two-class system of regulation"
2013-11-07 Handelsblatt: Schäuble's new plan for banking resolution
2013-11-04 Bloomberg: EU lawmakers seek public loan backstop for euro area bank plan
2013-11-04 ECB report details structural changes in the euro area banking sector
2013-11-04 Fitch: Basel III spurs rise in European G-SIB sovereign exposure; corporates, interbank lending drop
2013-10-31 Reuters: Berlin wants bank resolution mechanism open to all of EU
2013-10-31 Reuters: Europe should let banks with unsustainable plans fail - ECB's Liikanen
2013-10-30 Handelsblatt: Eurozone finance ministers consider ESM overhaul
2013-10-30 Commissioner Barnier: Three priorities for sustainable European banks in the real economy
2013-10-29 Reuters: EU's Barnier ready to compromise on bank resolution
2013-10-28 Bloomberg: Bank structure plan dealt blow as EU lawmaker says no time
2013-10-28 Letter by the EP's SSM Working Group to the ECB President
2013-10-24 ECB/Mersch: Interview in Het Financieele Dagblad
2013-10-24 Fitch: Euro bank tests robust enough, but thin on details
2013-10-24 ECB/Asmussen: Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2013-10-24 EP President Schulz: Speech to the European Council 24 October
2013-10-23 ECB starts comprehensive assessment in advance of supervisory role
2013-10-23 Bundesbank/Lautenschläger: We need an entire toolbox
2013-10-23 Single Resolution Mechanism - what the papers say
2013-10-22 Bloomberg: EU lawmakers reject Draghi call for bank bondholder clemency
2013-10-21 Bloomberg: Draghi challenges EU bank aid rules over forced losses
2013-10-21 Commissioner Barnier: Retail payments - A lever for inclusive and innovative growth in Europe
2013-10-21 Bundesbank/Lautenschläger: The leverage ratio - a simple and comparable measure?
2013-10-21 BoS/Linde: Reflections on the planned Banking Union in Europe
2013-10-20 Reuters: European official calls for bank bail-in from 2016
2013-10-17 Commissioner Almunia: Competition among financial markets operators
2013-10-17 Bloomberg: EU deal on resolution mechanism faces tight deadline
2013-10-17 Commission publishes results of Liikanen HLEG on structural reform
2013-10-17 BoE/Bailey: Regulating international banks
2013-10-16 EBF publishes response to EBA consultation on prudent valuation under article 105(14) of CRR
2013-10-16 Germany hardens stance on common eurozone safety net for banks
2013-10-15 Responses to Council's adoption of the SSM: EBF, BaFin
2013-10-15 ECB: Predicting distress in European banks
2013-10-14 Sorting out troubled banks: Economic and Monetary Committee starts work on rules
2013-10-14 ECB/Mersch: "A cascade of backstops"
2013-10-14 EBF: Compliance in a challenging environment - A shrinking banking sector
2013-10-13 FT: Brussels warns on bank bailout loophole
2013-10-12 BoE/Tucker: Solving too big to fail - Where do things stand on resolution?
2013-10-11 ECB: A macro stress-testing framework for assessing systemic risks in the banking sector
2013-10-09 Gene Frieda: Stress tests must prompt debt restructuring
2013-10-09 Commissioner Barnier says ESM could take on banking resolution
2013-10-09 HM Treasury: Government to overhaul UK payments system
2013-10-09 VP Rehn: Letter to EU Finance Ministers on treatment of public capital injections under EDP rules in balance sheet assessment/stress tests
2013-10-08 FT: Setback for Brussels as lawyers back Berlin line on Banking Union
2013-10-08 Bundesbank/Weidmann: The euro area as a union of stability
2013-10-07 FT: Penalties planned for banks receiving ECB aid
2013-10-07 EBF publishes recommendations on macro-prudential oversight
2013-10-06 Simon Nixon: High hopes, and hurdles, for bank supervisor
2013-10-04 WSJ: EU states divided on planned bank resolution mechanism
2013-10-04 Economist: Close scrutiny of Europe's banks may turn up unexpected shortfalls
2013-10-03 ECB/Coeuré: Liquidity regulation and monetary policy implementation – From theory to practice
2013-10-03 VP Rehn's blog: Banking on a sustainable recovery in Europe
2013-10-03 EuropeanIssuers: Investor disclosure of interests in financial instruments other than shares
2013-10-02 Richard Barley: ECB, BoE are poles apart
2013-10-01 BoE/Tucker: The reform of international banking – Some remaining challenges
2013-10-01 FT: Europe's banks undervalued, says ECB deputy Vítor Constâncio
2013-10-01 BoE: A framework for stress-testing the UK banking system – Discussion paper
2013-09-30 ECB/Cœuré: Implications of bail-in rules for bank activity and stability
2013-09-30 Jens Weidmann: Stop encouraging banks to buy government debt
2013-09-26 Speech by Bundesbank/Lautenschläger at ESE conference: Supervisors without borders
2013-09-26 Speech by ECB/Mersch at the ESE conference: A regime change in supervision and resolution
2013-09-26 Bloomberg: EU mulls €50 billion fund to aid non-euro banks
2013-09-25 EUobserver: ECB hires controversial consultancy for bank audit
2013-09-25 VP Almunia: Banks in distress and Europe's competition regime - On the road to the Banking Union
2013-09-24 ECON Committee: Klaus Regling quizzed about wider lending role for European Stability Mechanism
2013-09-24 Reuters: Bank stress tests must bite this time - EU official
2013-09-24 ECB Working Paper: Bridging the banking sector with the real economy - A financial stability perspective
2013-09-24 WSJ: ECB officials play down talk of new bank lifeline
2013-09-24 Bundesbank/Dombret: Resilient banks – Essential building blocks of a stable financial system
2013-09-23 ECON Committee: Banking Union tops agenda in discussion with Draghi
2013-09-23 Introductory statement by ECB/Draghi at the ECON Committee hearing
2013-09-19 ESRB ASC: The consequences of the SSM for Europe's macro-prudential policy framework
2013-09-19 Stefan Collignon: The various roles of the ECB in the new EMU architecture
2013-09-19 Huertas & Nieto: A game-changer - The EU Banking Recovery and Resolution Directive
2013-09-19 ECB implements loan-level reporting requirements for asset-backed securities backed by credit card receivables
2013-09-19 Bloomberg: ECB policy-makers say stress tests risk market confusion
2013-09-18 Karl Whelan: New roles and challenges for the ECB
2013-09-18 Börsen-Zeitung interview with ECB/Cœuré and Bundesbank/Nagel
2013-09-17 EBF: Positioning paper on the principles underlying the Single Resolution Mechanism
2013-09-16 Commissioner Barnier vows to MEPs to press ahead with Banking Union
2013-09-16 Bundesbank says ECB bank oversight may need primary law change
2013-09-12 Statement by President Barroso and Commissioner Barnier following the EP's vote on the creation of the SSM
2013-09-12 Plenary Session: Green light for single supervisor for banks
2013-09-12 ECB welcomes European Parliament vote to create single supervisory mechanism
2013-09-12 Plenary Session: Declaration by the Presidents of the EP and the ECB on the SSM
2013-09-09 Bloomberg: Dijsselbloem backs Barnier on bank resolution, notes conflicts
2013-09-09 FN: Bankers attack one-size-fits-all plan for risk-weighted assets
2013-09-06 ECB/Mersch: Monetary policy and financial stability under one roof
2013-09-02 EBA consults on draft RTS on methods for identifying the geographical location of relevant credit exposures
2013-08-30 Bundesbank/Weidmann: Banking supervision and regulation - What action does the Bundesbank consider necessary?
2013-08-30 Bloomberg: EU's Barnier says no plan B for single bank resolution system
2013-08-23 Bloomberg: Dijsselbloem seeks tighter leverage rule for EU banks than Basel
2013-08-22 EBF response to the EBA consultation on securitisation retention
2013-08-20 EBF response to EBA consultation on draft RTS specifying the range of scenarios to be used for recovery and resolution
2013-08-14 EBF response to EBA consultation on draft RTS on additional liquidity outflows corresponding to collateral needs
2013-08-14 EBF response to EBA consultation on ITS on additional liquidity monitoring metrics under article 403(2) of the draft CRR
2013-08-14 EBF response to EBA consultation on the determination of overall exposure in respect of transactions with underlying assets
2013-08-09 Bloomberg: Banks face tougher risk weights as Borg seeks Swedish probe
2013-08-08 ECB: A macro stress-testing framework for bank solvency analysis
2013-08-07 FINMA position paper on the resolution of systemically important banks
2013-08-01 EBF publishes comments on the EBA consultation paper on asset encumbrance
2013-07-23 DavisPolk: France Implements Bail-In: Summary of the Recovery and Resolution Aspects of the French Banking Reform
2013-07-21 Barr & Vickers: Banks need far more structural reform to be safe
2013-07-17 IOSCO publishes principles for financial benchmarks
2013-07-17 EBA publishes report on risks and vulnerabilities of the EU banking sector
2013-07-17 UK Government publishes consultation on Banking Reform Bill secondary legislation
2013-07-15 BaFin: Manipulation of reference interest rates
2013-07-15 PRA/Bailey: Capital and lending
2013-07-13 BoE/Tucker: Banking reform and macro-prudential regulation – Implications for banks' capital structure and credit conditions
2013-07-11 ICMA responds to consultation on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector
2013-07-11 Finance Watch response to EC consultation on banking structure
2013-07-11 AFME: Structural reform of the EU banking sector
2013-07-10 EBF: Single Resolution Mechanism - One step further to the Banking Union
2013-07-10 State aid: Commission adapts crisis rules for banks
2013-07-10 ABBL comments on the Commission consultation on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector
2013-07-08 UK Government publishes response to PCBS report, 'Changing banking for good'
2013-07-05 EBF supports EU call to CFTC for substituted compliance
2013-07-04 Nordic FIs & Covered: Swedish authorities reject banking separation in Liikanen submission
2013-07-03 WSBI asks policymakers to plan putting an end to low interest rates as soon as the situation permits
2013-07-02 ESBG response to the Green Paper on the long-term financing of the European economy
2013-06-28 ESBG response to the BCBS consultative document "Supervisory framework for measuring and controlling large exposures"
2013-06-27 EACB leaders' declaration highlights merits of their members-owned banking model and warns on current regulatory reforms
2013-06-26 BoE/Miles: Central bank asset purchases and financial markets
2013-06-26 BoE: Financial Stability Report, June 2013
2013-06-20 PRA completes capital shortfall exercise with major UK banks and building societies
2013-06-19 UK Banking Commission publishes report on changing banking for good
2013-06-19 CII response to the Banking Commission
2013-06-19 The German draft Act on Ring-Fencing and on Recovery and Resolution Planning for Credit Institutions
2013-06-14 BoE MPC/McCafferty: Inflation targeting and flexibility
2013-06-13 Bank of Finland/Liikanen: Banking after the regulatory reforms – Business as usual?
2013-06-13 BoE/Tucker: Banking reform and macro-prudential regulation - Implications for banks' capital structure and credit conditions
2013-06-13 WSBI: Savings and retail banks - A stabilising force in both developed and developing countries
2013-06-12 Bundesbank/Dombret: The role of central banks
2013-06-11 Commission publishes Liikanen FAQs
2013-06-11 FT: UK banks urged to ease switch to rivals
2013-06-10 EBF response to the consultation on the materiality of extensions and changes of internal approaches
2013-06-06 ESMA and the EBA publish final principles on benchmarks
2013-06-05 BIS: Agustín Carstens to chair the ECC and the GEM; Mario Draghi to chair the GHOS
2013-06-05 EBA publishes near-final draft RTS on own funds
2013-06-05 FT: London should hand Libor supervision to EU, says Brussels
2013-06-04 BIS/Caruana: Global liquidity - Where do we stand?
2013-06-03 BIS: June 2013 Quarterly Review - Markets under the spell of monetary easing
2013-06-02 Lev Ratnovski: New challenges for bank competition policy
2013-05-31 BIS: International Journal of Central Banking (IJCB) - June 2013 issue
2013-05-31 EBF: Euribor and Eonia panels to be differentiated
2013-05-28 BoE/Tucker: A new regulatory relationship - The Bank, the financial system and the wider economy
2013-05-24 ECB: TARGET 2012 Annual Report shows increase in volume and value of payments processed
2013-05-22 GreySpark: Banks must adapt to the growth of fixed income electronic trading to retain customer flow
2013-05-18 DW: Germany beefs up banking regulations
2013-05-17 Commission meets key stakeholders in the context of its consultation on the structural reform of the banking sector
2013-05-17 Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates)
2013-05-16 Commission launches consultation on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector
2013-05-16 European Commission: A bank account if you need one
2013-05-16 BoE publishes Haldane paper on constraining discretion in bank regulation
2013-05-14 EACB: New research highlights co-operative banks' resilience and merits, but greater recognition needed
2013-05-14 IMF Discussion Note: Creating a safer financial system - Will the Volcker, Vickers, and Liikanen structural measures help?
2013-05-14 iMF Direct: Banking on reform: Can Volcker, Vickers and Liikanen resolve the too-important-to-fail conundrum?
2013-05-13 Bloomberg: Wheatley seeks dual-track Libor as Gensler says replace rate
2013-05-13 EBF remarks on the ECON Committee report on improving access to finance for SMEs
2013-05-10 Bundesbank: Banking across borders
2013-05-09 ECB: Monthly bulletin - May 2013
2013-05-08 Bank accounts: Commission acts to make bank accounts cheaper, more transparent and accessible to all [Proposal]
2013-05-03 Erkki Liikanen: Banking structure and monetary policy – What have we learned in the last 20 years?
2013-05-01 Reuters: UK regulator defends tough bank capital rules
2013-04-29 BIS: Central bank finances
2013-04-26 ESBG response to Eurosystem's Consultation on Recommendations for "Payment Account Access" Services
2013-04-26 BIS: Structural bank regulation initiatives - Approaches and implications
2013-04-24 BIS: International banking statistics
2013-04-24 BoE and HM Treasury announce extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme
2013-04-23 HM Treasury: Review of the Special Administration Regime for Investment Banks published
2013-04-23 Swissinfo: Clock ticks on Swiss banking secrecy
2013-04-23 EBF: European banks express concerns over US reform of banking rules
2013-04-23 Barnier warns US over 'radical' new bank rule
2013-04-22 CFTC/Gensler: Remarks at London City Week on benchmark interest rates
2013-04-19 ECB opinion on protection from risks and separation of banking businesses
2013-04-16 IOSCO consults on Principles for Financial Benchmarks
2013-04-15 AGB/Fitschen stresses strength of the universal bank
2013-04-11 EBF publishes recommendations on EBA Stress-Testing exercises
2013-04-10 Reuters: Luxembourg calls time on bank secrecy with EU states
2013-04-09 Antitrust: Commission opens investigation into MasterCard inter-bank fees
2013-04-09 European Central Bank: Launch of the “Statistics Paper Series”
2013-04-08 Finance Watch: Bank separation is essential for banking competition and the economy, the time for indefinite bank subsidies is over
2013-04-06 Bundesbank/Lautenschläger: Banking regulation - review from the perspective of supervision
2013-04-05 Reuters: France wants banks to be core Euronext investors
2013-04-05 Reuters: UK banks must be tougher on quantifying risk - BoE
2013-04-02 ECB/Cœuré: Currency fluctuations - The limits to benign neglect
2013-04-02 ECBC response to EBA discussion paper on Defining Liquid Assets in the LCR under the draft CRR
2013-03-28 HM Treasury: Government announces board members of new Financial Conduct Authority
2013-03-27 Bank of England: Financial Policy Committee statement from its policy meeting, 19 March 2013
2013-03-26 FSA and Bank of England relax barriers to entry for new bank entrants
2013-03-26 HM Treasury: Government plans to open up banking sector take a step forward
2013-03-25 BIS: Central bank collateral frameworks and practices - New report from the Markets Committee
2013-03-21 GOV.UK: Building the Business Bank - Strategy update
2013-03-19 Bundesbank/Dombret: Call for greater diversity in reference interest rates
2013-03-18 BIS publishes March 2013 Quarterly Review
2013-03-18 BIS: Towards better reference rate practices - A central bank perspective
2013-03-15 UK Banking Standards Commission publishes report on proprietary trading
2013-03-13 HM Treasury: Simple financial products a step closer
2013-03-11 PCBS publishes second report on banking reform
2013-03-08 EBF welcomes IASB approach on loan-loss provisioning
2013-03-08 EBF Key Information Document - The Liikanen Report
2013-03-05 BIS: International Journal of Central Banking (IJCB)
2013-03-05 FSA publishes its Internal Audit Report: Review of the extent of awareness within the FSA of inappropriate Libor submissions
2013-03-04 Banks fear capital swings if Basel III kills bond filter
2013-03-01 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán nominates György Matolcsy to the post of Central Bank governor
2013-02-27 Reuters: BuBa open to Liikanen bank proposal, some reservations – Dombret
2013-02-27 Irish Presidency reaches breakthrough on new rules for stronger EU banks
2013-02-26 Irish Minister for Finance announces the ending of the Bank Guarantee (Eligible Liabilities Guarantee Scheme)
2013-02-26 Bank of Finland/Hakkarainen: Remarks at the Future of Banking Summit
2013-02-26 Bundesbank/Dombret: Statement on the occasion of the expert consultation of the German Bundestag's Finance Committee
2013-02-25 UK Government announces Libor administrator tendering committee
2013-02-20 Bloomberg: EU misses Basel bank rules deal, will revive talks next week
2013-02-19 Andrew Bailey appointed as BoE Deputy Governor for Prudential Regulation and CEO of the PRA
2013-02-17 FT: EU ready to set tough bank pay curbs
2013-02-16 BoE/Weale: The balance of payments
2013-02-15 ECB: Eurosystem and Bank of Russia hold high-level seminar
2013-02-14 "The simpler the rules, the stronger the ring-fence" - Finance Watch response to PCBS
2013-02-14 ESBG position: ESMA/EBA Consultation Paper on principles for benchmarks-setting processes in the EU
2013-02-11 Bloomberg: EU Banks may need to hit Basel liquidity targets early
2013-02-08 ECB welcomes the European Commission's intention to regulate systemically important reference rates
2013-02-07 BIS: International financial markets and bank funding in the euro area - Dynamics and participants
2013-02-06 Bloomberg: German Banking Bill may affect up to 12 lenders, Schäuble says
2013-02-06 Eurofinas response to the European Commission's consultation on European households' over-indebtedness
2013-02-06 EBF observations on the Civic Consulting preliminary key findings of the interim report on over-indebtedness
2013-02-06 BFM: German Government approves draft bank separation law and new criminal law provisions for the financial sector
2013-02-05 Bundesbank/Lautenschläger: Bankers' salaries must be capped
2013-02-04 HM Treasury: Speech by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon George Osborne MP, on the Reform of Banking
2013-02-04 HM Treasury: UK Government publishes Banking Reform Bill
2013-02-03 WSJ: EU aims to free flow of funds across borders
2013-01-31 FSA: Pilot findings on interest rate hedging products
2013-01-30 FT: Paris pressure to get tough on banks
2013-01-30 FT: Banks urged to reveal solvency fears
2013-01-30 FT: Germany rejects whole-bank ringfencing
2013-01-30 Bank of Finland/Liikanen: Report on the HLEG on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector
2013-01-29 FT: Brussels softens line on bank ringfences
2013-01-28 Bundesbank/Dombret: Credible threat
2013-01-27 FT: US regulators warn banks on living wills
2013-01-25 Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates)
2013-01-24 Eurosystem position on Commission's consultation on bank structural reform
2013-01-24 Bundesbank/Dombret: Limits for capital stock
2013-01-23 FT: Window for ECB loan repayments nears
2013-01-21 BIS: Locational and Consolidated banking statistics
2013-01-17 EPFSF Briefing "Liikanen High-level expert group on structural reform"
2013-01-14 BoE: The Financial Policy Committee's powers to supplement capital requirements - A Draft Policy Statement
2013-01-11 EBF response to EBA consultation on prudent valuation
2013-01-11 Euribor-EBF supports EBA/ESMA Recommendations on future of Euribor
2013-01-08 EBIC's views on the Liikanen report's recommendations
2013-01-08 EIB capital increase approved by all 27 EU Member States
2013-01-08 FT: UK urges EU to adopt banking reforms
2013-01-01 Bank of Finland: Rules for counterparties and customers

Prior Years Reports

Banking Union - 2012267 articles out of 267.

Banking Union - 2011147 articles out of 147.

Banking Union - 2010138 articles out of 138.

Banking Union - 2009132 articles out of 132.

Banking Union - 2008123 articles out of 123.

Banking Union - 200747 articles out of 47.

Banking Union - 200620 articles out of 20.

Banking Union - 200519 articles out of 19.

Banking Union - 20045 articles out of 5.

Banking Union - 20033 articles out of 3.