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"A single banking system is the mirror image of a single money. As the vast majority of money is bank deposits, money can only be truly single if confidence in the safety of bank deposits is the same irrespective of the Member State in which a bank operates. This requires single bank supervision, single bank resolution and single deposit insurance."

Source: Five Presidents' Report "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union", 22 June 2015

Commission explanation of the need for banking union, and its structure here

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Banking Union - 202280 articles out of 80.

Banking Union - 2021119 articles out of 119.

Banking Union - 2020187 articles out of 187.

Banking Union - 2019326 articles out of 326.

Banking Union - 2018374 articles out of 374.

Banking Union - 2017328 articles out of 328.

Banking Union - 2016259 articles out of 259.

Banking Union - 2015226 articles out of 226.

2014 Banking Union
2014-12-19 Bank of England: Strengthening personal accountability in banking - forms, consequential and transitional aspects
2014-12-19 Bank resolution: Council adopts regulation on fund contributions and appoints members of the single resolution board
2014-12-17 Bloomberg: Banks won’t stop EU push on prop-trading, firewall rules
2014-12-17 Vox EU: Higher capital requirements: The jury is in
2014-12-17 Euractiv: Bank resolution authority set for launch
2014-12-17 MEPs secure deal to cap card payment fees
2014-12-16 Bank of England announces results of UK stress test
2014-12-12 European Commission extends transitional period for Capital Requirements for exposures to CCPs
2014-12-11 Reuters: Banks take barely more than half of cheap ECB funds on offer
2014-12-10 Reuters: EU banks' capital gaps just "tip of iceberg" - ECB official
2014-12-09 European Commission: Council agrees on bank contributions for Single Resolution Fund
2014-12-09 EBF assesment of a regulation on structural measures improving the resilience of EU credit institutions
2014-12-09 Financial Times: France and Germany share the pain over fund for bank failures
2014-12-05 European Commission: Statement on Basel Regulatory Consistency Assessment of Basel III implementation
2014-12-02 Bank of England and HM Treasury announce extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme
2014-12-02 ECB: Retail market structure and consumer prices in the euro area
2014-11-28 ECB: Weak economic prospects exacerbate financial system risks
2014-11-28 EBF underlined need to match EFSI funds with stable economic framework
2014-11-28 Reuters: ECB's Nouy says banks must show they can make profits
2014-11-28 Reuters: ECB's Nouy says banks must show they can make profits
2014-11-27 Reuters: Lending to euro zone private sector shrinks again in October - ECB
2014-11-26 Vítor Constâncio: The role of the banking union in achieving financial stability
2014-11-26 Financial Times: Bank reforms will help lift Europe’s struggling economy
2014-11-25 Reuters: Cost pressure rising on German banks - Moody's
2014-11-24 Reuters: EBRD head decries national targets for bank sector ownership
2014-11-24 Bank of England: The PRA Rulebook - Part 2
2014-11-24 BIS: Andreas Dombret: The SSM - a supervisory level playing field for Europe
2014-11-23 Financial Times: Banking groups push Brussels to ditch overhaul of big lenders
2014-11-21 Reuters: US under pressure to match EU rules on market benchmarks
2014-11-21 BIS: Central banks and the global debt overhang
2014-11-21 BIS: Mario Draghi: Stronger together in Europe - the contribution of banking supervision
2014-11-21 BIS: Jens Weidmann: Banking union and regulatory reforms - mission accomplished?
2014-11-21 Reuters: Basel to toughen ABS stance before it eases it
2014-11-20 ECJ: EU legislation limiting the ratio of bankers bonuses compared to their basic salary is valid
2014-11-18 BIS: Andreas Dombret: Big Bang banking union - what can we expect?
2014-11-17 Reuters: ECB says it will be 'intrusive' in bank business model checks
2014-11-16 Bank of England: Central bank psychology - speech by Andrew Haldane
2014-11-14 European Parliament: Reforming the structure of the EU banking sector
2014-11-14 BIS: Debt trouble comes in threes
2014-11-14 BIS: Challenges of the Basel framework for emerging market, developing and small economies
2014-11-12 FSB reports to G20 on Progress in Reforming Resolution Regimes and Resolution Planning
2014-11-12 Reuters: Regulators fine global banks $3.4 billion in forex probe
2014-11-10 Reuters: G20 proposes buffer to end too-big-to-fail banks
2014-11-10 Bloomberg: Draghi summons banking know-how for top posts as ECB role shifts
2014-11-09 Financial Times: European banks’ riskier debt deals nearly double
2014-11-06 Reuters: ECB to wait for stimulus to sink in, Draghi style in limelight
2014-11-05 Reuters: Biggest banks brace for poisoned chalice of a place at the top table
2014-11-04 ECB assumes responsibility for euro area banking supervision
2014-11-04 Reuters: French, German resolution fund bill to be 15 billion euros per country
2014-10-31 BIS: Second GPFI/BIS conference explores implications of rapid progress on digital financial inclusion
2014-10-30 ECB publishes Regulation on supervisory fees
2014-10-29 Financial Times: UK banks seek to offload old mortgage books
2014-10-29 Bloomberg: EU transaction tax bid falters on revenue disagreement
2014-10-28 FCA: Innovation - the regulatory opportunity
2014-10-28 Financial Times: Europe’s banks are too feeble to spur growth
2014-10-27 Bloomberg: ECB list of failing banks shrinks if you read small print
2014-10-27 Bloomberg: ECB review marks end of Europe banking crisis, Dijsselbloem says
2014-10-27 Bank of England: Responses to CP12/14 - PS10/14
2014-10-27 Wall Street Journal: Will Banking Union finally deliver for the eurozone economy?
2014-10-27 BIS: Andreas Dombret: The marathon has only just begun - what will come after the stress test?
2014-10-26 Bank of England statement on EBA stress test publication
2014-10-26 ECB’s in-depth review shows banks need to take further action
2014-10-26 Wall Street Journal: Despite good news from ECB tests, German banks still face challenges
2014-10-23 Bloomberg: EU’s top banker warns of rule fixation ‘going beyond reason’
2014-10-23 Reuters: Europe's banks face moment of truth from ECB review
2014-10-22 Journal of Banking Regulation: Special Issue - Who Wants Big Banks?
2014-10-22 EFE: At least 11 banks to fail European stress tests
2014-10-22 Financial Times: Stakes high for Europe’s bank stress tests
2014-10-21 Wall Street Journal: European Central Bank stress tests could shake bank ratings, S&P says
2014-10-21 European Commission adopts detailed rules on contributions of banks to resolution funds
2014-10-20 AFME responds to EBA consultation on guidelines for common procedures and methodologies for SREP
2014-10-20 Reuters: Credibility meets compromise in Europe's bank stress test
2014-10-20 Bank of England: Chatham House conference – Regulatory reform and returns in banking
2014-10-20 Wall Street Journal: Europe should regulate shadow banking, says European Central Bank’s Vitor Constancio
2014-10-17 Prudential requirements for banks and investment firms: Commission asks Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia to comply
2014-10-15 EBA discloses probe into EU bankers allowances
2014-10-15 ECOFIN meeting, 14 October 2014.
2014-10-14 Bloomberg/ISDA: Banks back swap contracts that could help unwind too-big-to-fail
2014-10-13 European Central Bank report details structural changes in the euro area banking sector
2014-10-12 Reuters: Insight - European bank mergers still face hurdles post-stress tests
2014-10-12 Reuters: European banks raise more capital before ECB stress test: report
2014-10-10 European Central Bank to disclose final results of comprehensive assessment
2014-10-10 Supervisors push banks to rethink booking models
2014-10-07 Bloomberg: Global banks face 25% loss-absorbency rule in FSB plan
2014-10-07 FT: Banks to change rules governing derivatives market
2014-10-06 Bank of England announces proposals to strengthen the financial system through structural reform
2014-10-03 German banks attack Basel charge for banking book rate risk
2014-10-01 Reuters: Sovereign doom loop haunts EU bank stress tests
2014-09-29 European Central Bank: Guide to banking supervision
2014-09-26 Financial Times: EU in danger of lifting bankers’ salaries by blocking variable pay
2014-09-26 EBF: Financial integration report highlights EU fragmentation
2014-09-26 Reuters Breakingviews: Bonus cap clampdown
2014-09-25 European Court of Justice and VAT
2014-09-25 Europa EU: Bulgaria must allow bank customers to access their money
2014-09-24 BoE: Consultation on CRD IV: compliance with EBA on disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets
2014-09-24 Bank for International Settlements: Re-thinking the lender of last resort (LOLR)
2014-09-22 BoE: Consultation on CRD IV: data collection on remuneration practices
2014-09-19 Reuters: Germany says won't delay plans to isolate risky bank business
2014-09-16 Derivatives Risk Solutions: Is Brussels setting the table for a move away from LIBOR?
2014-09-15 EBF response to two EBA consulation on Operational Risk and guidelines on materiality, proprietary and confidentiality.
2014-09-12 Reuters: France and Germany oppose guarantees for ECB debt-buy plan: document
2014-09-12 Reuters: EU bank tests may miss trillion dollar risk – study
2014-09-12 City AM: Europe’s banks hit their capital buffer targets
2014-09-11 RiskNet: New UK rules clear the way for more prosecutions
2014-09-11 BIS: Sabine Lautenschläger of ECB speech on Banking supervision
2014-09-09 BIS: Developments in collateral management services
2014-09-09 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: Analysis of the trading book hypothetical portfolio exercise
2014-09-08 ECB: Understanding the yield curve
2014-09-08 FT: City bonuses set challenge for Juncker’s banking nominee
2014-09-07 European Central Bank: Sabine Lautenschläger Interview
2014-09-05 Bank of England publishes approach to supervising international banks
2014-09-05 BIS: Erkki Liikanen: Europe without banks? The future of the financial sector
2014-09-05 DRS: ECB zeroes its sights in
2014-09-04 ECB publishes final list of significant credit institutions
2014-09-03 BIS: Sabine Lautenschläger: Countdown to November - European supervision ready for lift-off
2014-09-02 DRS: LIBOR’s future in jeopardy?
2014-09-01 Bank for International Settlements: CPSS - New charter and renamed as Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures
2014-08-29 AFME: Comment on the Net Stable Funding Ratio consultative document
2014-08-27 Joint Committee Final Report on complaints-handling for the securities and banking sectors
2014-08-20 FT: Review of EU banks costs €500m
2014-08-18 FT: Possibility of ‘Brexit’ threatens London’s prospects
2014-08-08 ECB publishes Comprehensive Assessment Stress Test Manual
2014-07-23 Greece: EU approves National Bank of Greece's restructuring plan
2014-07-21 Greece: Joint statement by the European Commission, ECB and IMF
2014-07-17 ECB: disclosure process for comprehensive assessment
2014-07-17 FT: Asset Quality Review squabble
2014-07-16 ECB: Signs of a turnaround in the international use of the euro
2014-07-14 ECB: Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament (ECON)
2014-07-11 ECB: Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2014-07-10 The EBA published an Opinion on the macroprudential tools laid down in CRR/CRDIV
2014-07-09 Regulation Asia: G-20 commitment to reform is in jeopardy
2014-07-06 ECOFIN: Key points from meeting on July 8th
2014-07-03 Bloomberg Businessweek: ECB Survey Shows Opposition to EU Bank-Structure Bill
2014-07-03 ECB announces further details of the targeted longer-term refinancing operations
2014-07-02 EBA: Technical advice to the EC on the treatment of own credit risk related to derivative liabilities
2014-07-01 Barnstorming Barnier: key speech at IMF; and defiance over global derivatives regulation
2014-06-26 EPC publishes overview of mobile payments initiatives in SEPA and beyond
2014-06-25 European Voice/Visa Europe: Principles of intelligent payments regulation
2014-06-25 EC: Material Risk-Takers' rules come into force
2014-06-24 Bloomberg: ECB urged to integrate with financial-conduct watchdogs- Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets
2014-06-23 FT: Fears mount over asset managers’ shadow banking operations
2014-06-23 Ernst & Young: At least 22 European banks expect to raise capital following the AQR
2014-06-23 ECB publishes final results of Macro-prudential Research Network
2014-06-20 Bloomberg News/ Reuters: IMF urges ECB to fight low inflation with asset purchases; and banking union needs strengthening
2014-06-20 EC: Public consultation on the contributions of credit institutions to resolution financing arrangements
2014-06-19 IFR: EC delay on liquidity buffers could boost securitisation
2014-06-19 ESAs: Joint Consumer Protection Day
2014-06-19 Bloomberg: Europe set to postpone decision on bank liquidity standards
2014-06-16 Reuters: EU legal opinion says exemption for UK bank rules from EU curbs 'illegal'
2014-06-16 Bloomberg: ECB likely to refrain from new measures for next months
2014-06-13 Wall Street Journal: EU lobbies Yellen on bank debt rule
2014-06-12 EU: Publication of two key pieces of the Single Rulebook for banks
2014-06-10 Eurogroup agrees operational framework for ESM direct recapitalisation instrument
2014-06-10 BoE launches new framework to test for cyber vulnerabilities
2014-06-06 BIS/Hakkarainen: Banking supervision and central banking
2014-06-05 EC: Legal obstacles to free movement of funds between institutions within single liquidity sub-group
2014-06-05 ECB introduces a negative deposit facility interest rate
2014-06-05 ECB: Launch of the SSM – What will change in banking supervision
2014-06-05 DRS LLP: Basel III stress-testing - One model to rule them all?
2014-06-04 BIS/Caruana: Financial regulation, complexity and innovation
2014-06-03 Regulation on extension of transitional periods related to own funds requirements for exposures to CCPs
2014-06-02 BoE/Cunliffe/Dombret: A missing tool against ‘too big to fail’
2014-06-01 Reuters: Protecting European bank test data from lucrative leaks
2014-05-29 EBF: European banks support reform process and recognise need for change
2014-05-28 Financial Stability Review shows progress in strengthening banks and sovereigns
2014-05-27 Hedgeweek: Clearstream issues report to help depositary banks comply with AIFMD
2014-05-27 ECB launches public consultation on draft ECB regulation on supervisory fees
2014-05-26 BIS/Linde: The financial system ahead of the Banking Union
2014-05-26 ECB/Lautenschläger: Making the comprehensive assessment a success
2014-05-23 KAS/Bauer/Demary: European Banking Union
2014-05-21 Member States sign agreement on bank resolution fund
2014-05-20 Barnier: State of the (Banking) Union
2014-05-19 FT: Europe banks face clampdown on debt sales
2014-05-15 BCBS/Ingves: Global liquidity regulation, supervision and risk management
2014-05-15 Markets Media: Banks face 2016 risk deadline
2014-05-15 Basel split over NSFR impact on repo
2014-05-14 Bloomberg: Merkel warns against political influence on ECB stress tests
2014-05-14 Bloomberg: EU lawmakers push back against ECB on bank creditor loss rules
2014-05-13 BoE/Cunliffe: Ending 'too big to fail' – Progress and remaining issues
2014-05-12 ECB/Nouy: Toward the European Banking Union - Achievements and challenges
2014-05-12 ECB/Constâncio: Banking Union and European integration
2014-05-12 Reuters: ECB keeps bank test deadlines in sight
2014-05-11 Bloomberg: Covered bond fight sidelines Basel’s bank goals
2014-05-09 EBF: European banks remain committed to financing economy, fostering growth
2014-05-09 EBF: Wim Mijs appointed Chief Executive
2014-05-09 Deloitte: The SSM - Banking on the Banking Union
2014-05-06 ECB: Report on progress in the operational implementation of the SSM Regulation
2014-05-06 Gov.UK: Review of enforcement decision-making at the financial services regulators
2014-05-06 FSB launches phase 2 of its Data Gaps initiative
2014-05-02 BoE: 'Taking uncertainty seriously - Simplicity versus complexity in financial regulation'
2014-05-01 ESM reaches target level of €80 billion in paid-in capital
2014-04-29 ECB: Banks have six to nine months to cover capital shortfalls following comprehensive assessment
2014-04-28 EBA publishes action plan for colleges of supervisors
2014-04-26 Reuters: ECB's Liikanen says regulation could be extended to shadow banks
2014-04-25 ECB/Constâncio: Banking Union - Meaning and implications for the future of banking
2014-04-25 ECB publishes SSM Framework Regulation
2014-04-25 Bloomberg: ECB proposes aligning upper limit for penalties imposed on banks
2014-04-17 ECB/Cœuré: Interview with Le Monde
2014-04-16 EBA updates its work programme for 2014
2014-04-15 Reuters: Europe's banks prepare for ECB tests with new provisions
2014-04-15 EP approves key elements of Banking Union
2014-04-14 EBF responds to Basel III consultation on NSFR
2014-04-10 FT: UK scrambles to save bank emergency lending programme
2014-04-07 EBA consults on revised guidelines on remuneration benchmarking and data collection for high earners
2014-04-07 ECB/Nouy: European banks are better than their market assessment
2014-04-07 FSB releases framework for assessing risk culture and progress report on enhanced supervision
2014-04-07 Repo desks up in arms about NSFR
2014-04-04 ECB/Cœuré: Investment essential for Europe's future
2014-04-03 Bloomberg: EU bank-structure rule hits opposition from ministers at informal ECOFIN summit
2014-03-27 SRM: Council confirms deal with EP
2014-03-27 European Banking Federation input for Commission delegated act on the leverage ratio
2014-03-26 Bloomberg: Silence on ECB bank review may break on legal blind spot
2014-03-21 EBF response to the BCBS second consultation on revisions to the Basel Securitisation Framework
2014-03-20 EBF: Comments on EBA consultation on disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets
2014-03-20 EBF response to EBA draft Guidelines proposing harmonised definitions and templates for funding plans of credit institutions
2014-03-18 Bank of England launches 15-point strategic plan
2014-03-17 ECB publishes letter from supervisory board chair Nouy to ECON/Bowles
2014-03-17 BoE/Cunliffe: Is the world financial system safer now?
2014-03-14 VoxEU: Macro-prudential stress tests should not rely on regulatory risk weights
2014-03-13 ECB/Cœuré: Monetary policy transmission and bank deleveraging
2014-03-13 GOV.UK: Bail-in powers implementation (including draft secondary legislation)
2014-03-13 Bank of England consults on bonus clawback
2014-03-12 EBIC position paper on liquidity and on the forthcoming EC delegated act
2014-03-11 ECB publishes manual for Asset Quality Review
2014-03-11 BIS: Banks and capital requirements - Channels of adjustment
2014-03-09 FT: Forex probes set to dwarf Libor cases
2014-03-07 ECB/Lautenschläger: Interview with WSJ
2014-03-07 ECB: Forward-looking reaction to bank regulation
2014-03-05 BIS/Caruana: Global liquidity - Where it stands, and why it matters
2014-03-05 £75 trillion payment systems industry to have new regulator – FCA will open the market to new entrants to improve competition
2014-03-05 EBF publishes responses to EBA consultations
2014-03-04 Bloomberg: BoE seeks derivatives pact to prevent repeat of Lehman cascade
2014-03-04 FT: S&P says new bank bail-in plans could lead to downgrades for European lenders
2014-02-28 BIS: Guidelines for reporting the BIS international banking statistics
2014-02-26 BoE consults on approach to supervising international banks
2014-02-25 Alexander Friedman: What bank stress tests are missing
2014-02-24 FN: Banks' hopes rise for clearing capital reprieve
2014-02-24 SMH: BoE governor Mark Carney wants to make banks pay their own way
2014-02-19 Comments on the new US supervisory rules for foreign banks: BdB, EBF
2014-02-11 Fitch: Investors don't expect senior bail-in from ECB bank tests
2014-02-10 WSJ: European banks parry US rules
2014-02-10 FT interview with Danièle Nouy, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the SSM
2014-02-10 ECB supports new European Directive for electronic payments
2014-02-07 ECB launches public consultation on draft ECB SSM Framework Regulation
2014-02-07 Responses to ESMA/EBA consultation on complaints handling: ALFI, EACB, EBA, EFAMA, EFBS, Eurofinas
2014-02-06 Commissioner Barnier: "I do not believe in deregulation"
2014-02-06 Responses to Basel Fundamental Review of the Trading Book: EBF et al
2014-02-05 ESAs consult on draft ITS on the mapping of ECAIs' credit assessments
2014-02-03 ECB makes progress with AQR, confirms stress test parameters for comprehensive assessment
2014-01-31 BIS: Trade finance - Developments and issues
2014-01-30 BIS: Long-term finance - Can emerging capital markets help?
2014-01-29 Responses to proposal for banks' structural reform: AFME, BDB, BDI, Deloitte, EBF, FBF, Fitch, HMT
2014-01-28 Bundesbank/Dombret: The state as a banker?
2014-01-28 ESBG: Economic demonstration of the economic impact of liquidity ratios in particular for SME lending
2014-01-28 WSBI-ESBG comments on the draft OECD/INFE guidelines for private and not-for-profit stakeholders in financial education
2014-01-27 Reuters: ECB lacks teeth to force banks to accept loan book risks
2014-01-27 Commissioner Barnier: Restricting proprietary trading
2014-01-25 WEF 2014: Rebuilding banking in Europe
2014-01-23 Consultative paper on revised good practice principles for supervisory colleges issued by the Basel Committee
2014-01-20 SLT: Question of Volcker Rule foreign coverage answered
2014-01-17 Bloomberg: EU weighs ban on proprietary trading at some banks from 2018
2014-01-16 BoE: Launch of new Indexed Long-Term Repo operations
2014-01-16 ECB: Recent developments in excess liquidity and money market rates
2014-01-14 Bloomberg: ECB sees bad debt rules as threat to credible bank review
2014-01-09 Reuters: EU plans for trading rules widen global gap in bank regulations
2014-01-05 FT: Europe set to ease reform on bank splits

Prior Years Reports

Banking Union - 2013285 articles out of 285.

Banking Union - 2012267 articles out of 267.

Banking Union - 2011147 articles out of 147.

Banking Union - 2010138 articles out of 138.

Banking Union - 2009132 articles out of 132.

Banking Union - 2008123 articles out of 123.

Banking Union - 200747 articles out of 47.

Banking Union - 200620 articles out of 20.

Banking Union - 200519 articles out of 19.

Banking Union - 20045 articles out of 5.

Banking Union - 20033 articles out of 3.