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"A single banking system is the mirror image of a single money. As the vast majority of money is bank deposits, money can only be truly single if confidence in the safety of bank deposits is the same irrespective of the Member State in which a bank operates. This requires single bank supervision, single bank resolution and single deposit insurance."

Source: Five Presidents' Report "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union", 22 June 2015

Commission explanation of the need for banking union, and its structure here

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Banking Union - 202280 articles out of 80.

Banking Union - 2021119 articles out of 119.

Banking Union - 2020187 articles out of 187.

Banking Union - 2019326 articles out of 326.

Banking Union - 2018374 articles out of 374.

Banking Union - 2017328 articles out of 328.

Banking Union - 2016259 articles out of 259.

2015 Banking Union
2015-12-31 European Commission: Single Resolution Mechanism comes into effect for the Banking Union
2015-12-30 Recommendation of the ECB on dividend distribution policies
2015-12-22 Reuters: UK bank stress tests do not clear fog over China risk
2015-12-18 Bank of England: CCP resolution and the ending Too Big to Fail agenda - speech by Andrew Gracie
2015-12-17 CEPS: Will the Single Resolution Fund be a ‘baby tiger’ during the transition?
2015-12-07 ESMA issues favourable opinion extending Greek HCMC short selling ban on bank shares
2015-12-01 Financial Stability Paper: Measuring the macroeconomic costs and benefits of higher UK bank capital requirements
2015-12-01 Reuters: Stress test implies end to UK bank capital hikes
2015-11-27 BIS: Andreas Dombret - The situation in the German banking sector
2015-11-26 Reuters: Europe’s terrible banks look their best in years
2015-11-25 ECB: Risks from outside euro area rise according to latest ECB Financial Stability Review
2015-11-24 European Commission: A stronger Banking Union - New measures to reinforce deposit protection and further reduce banking risks
2015-11-20 ECB publishes two Guidelines relating to changes in the General Documentation
2015-11-20 EBF Board commends Financial Stability Board for providing clarity
2015-11-19 Bank of England: Publication of the PRA and FCA review into the failure of HBOS
2015-11-17 City A.M.:Andrew Tyrie tells regulators "not give in to special pleading from banks" over post-crisis regulations
2015-11-16 Financial Times: Why banks come back to return on equity
2015-11-14 ECB concludes comprehensive assessment for nine banks
2015-11-09 EBF urges proper and careful implementation of TLAC in Europe
2015-11-09 Reports related to Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) published by the Basel Committee
2015-11-09 Financial Times: What has delayed Europe’s bank recovery?
2015-11-04 ECB: One year ECB Banking Supervision
2015-11-03 Fitch: Franchise is key to european bank business model success
2015-11-03 FSB: New measures to promote resolvability, including effective cross-border resolution
2015-11-02 Bruegel: Firmer foundations for a stronger European Banking Union
2015-11-02 Financial Times: ECB officials met bankers before key decisions
2015-11-02 ECB: Euro area bank interest rate statistics - September 2015
2015-11-02 Reuters: Europe to align bank capital buffers to global standard
2015-10-30 VoxEU: Options for European deposit insurance
2015-10-29 EUbusiness: Deutsche Bank to slash jobs, exit countries in EUR 3.8 bn cost-cut
2015-10-29 Reuters: European investment banks get the nip and tuck treatment
2015-10-28 ECB: Report on Financial Structures details structural changes in the euro area financial sector
2015-10-26 Bank of England: The PRA Rulebook - Fees
2015-10-26 Bloomberg: Banks in Sweden told to add risk weights to government bonds
2015-10-22 Commission refers six Member States to the Court of Justice of the EU for failing to transpose EU rules on BRRD
2015-10-21 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA consult on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism
2015-10-21 ECB: What drives forbearance – evidence from the ECB comprehensive assessment
2015-10-21 Bank of England publishes approach to stress testing the UK banking system
2015-10-21 BIS: International banking statistics at end-June 2015
2015-10-19 Bank of England: The PRA’s approach to identifying other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs)
2015-10-16 Financial Times: Barclays to speed up investment bank cuts
2015-10-15 EBF comments on the consultation on collecting data on parents of legal entities in the global LEI system
2015-10-15 Bank of England announces further proposals to strengthen the financial system through structural reform
2015-10-14 Financial Times: Start-ups aim at banks’ income streams
2015-10-13 Reuters: ECB sets higher capital hurdle for Greek banks in stress tests
2015-10-12 Financial Times: UK regulator seeks to quash fears over bank ringfencing rules
2015-10-12 Financial Times: Europeans move to undercut global bank capital rules
2015-10-11 Financial Times: Europe needs home-grown bulge bracket banks
2015-10-09 Bank of England: The banks that said no: banking relationships, credit supply and productivity in the United Kingdom
2015-10-08 FCA: Strengthening accountability in banking and insurance: regulatory references
2015-10-06 FCA introduces new rules on whistleblowing
2015-10-06 Bank of England: Strengthening accountability in banking and insurance: regulatory references
2015-10-06 Consultative report on correspondent banking issued by CPMI
2015-10-05 Financial Times: Banks chiefs claim tougher ECB rules give advantage to US rivals
2015-10-01 EBF draft response to the EBA discussion paper on the SME supporting factor
2015-09-30 ECB: Results of the Euro Money Market Survey 2015
2015-09-28 CITY A.M.: Banks push back against government proposals to separate high street and investment banking in ringfencing reforms
2015-09-28 CITY A.M.: Banks at risk of legal action over the FCA’s new regulatory regime
2015-09-23 ECB: Eurosystem adjusts purchase process in ABS programme
2015-09-23 Reuters: Most big euro zone banks have capital way above requirement
2015-09-18 Bank of England: The implementation of ring-fencing: the PRA’s approach to ring-fencing transfer schemes
2015-09-16 Financial Times: Eurozone races to restructure Greek banks as bail-in looms
2015-09-10 Reuters: Bank watchdogs tie themselves in knots over TLAC
2015-09-09 Financial Times: Biggest UK banks drop down customer satisfaction league
2015-09-08 Reuters: ECB calls for common EU approach on debt write-offs
2015-09-07 Financial Times: Europe’s banks could need €26bn in extra capital
2015-09-07 ECB working paper: A false sense of security in applying handpicked equations for stress test purposes
2015-09-07 Financial Times: Regulators risk causing unnecessary pain to investment banks
2015-09-01 Reuters: National laws hamper ECB's work as single supervisor
2015-08-30 Financial Times: Banks warn over European privacy rules
2015-08-28 Financial Times: Three European banks fight for right to manage US pensions
2015-08-28 ECB publishes Consolidated Banking Data for Dec-2014
2015-08-25 Reuters: UK banking complaints grow 8 percent on packaged account concerns
2015-08-24 ECB working paper: The real effects of credit constraints - evidence from discouraged borrowers in the euro area
2015-08-21 Bruegel: Euro area banks remain vulnerable
2015-08-21 ECB: Working Paper Series - Sovereign risk, interbank freezes, and aggregate fluctuation
2015-08-21 Reuters: EU's 2016 stress test will include 50-60 euro zone banks
2015-08-17 ABBL: EU-wide stress testing - Can you leverage your 2014 project?
2015-08-16 Financial Times: ECB doubles the time needed to review banks’ risk models
2015-08-14 Bank of England: The PRA Rulebook - Part 4
2015-08-13 VoxEU: Still vulnerable - The eurozone’s small and medium-sized banks
2015-08-13 Bank of England: Strengthening accountability - insurers and UK branches of non-EEA banks
2015-08-11 Bank of England: PRA censures Co-operative Bank for serious risk management and transparency failings
2015-08-05 ECB: Between capture and discretion – The determinants of distressed bank treatment and expected government support
2015-08-03 Financial Times: Europe’s banks need coherent business mix
2015-08-03 Bank of England: The PRA Rulebook - Part 3
2015-08-03 Bank of England: Assessing capital adequacy under Pillar 2
2015-08-03 Reuters: Global finance leaders to banks: reform culture and conduct or face more regulation
2015-07-30 IcAEW: Audit Insights - Banking
2015-07-24 BIS: Working group to strengthen code of conduct standards and principles in foreign exchange markets has commenced work
2015-07-23 ECB and partners sign memorandum of understanding on new €20 banknote
2015-07-15 Bank of England: Depositor and dormant account protection
2015-07-14 ECB: Results of the July 2015 euro area bank lending survey
2015-07-14 Reuters: Reforms, debt repayment could pave way for ECB to help Greece
2015-07-13 ECB: Network linkages to predict bank distress
2015-07-13 Bank of England: Bank liabilities survey, Credit conditions survey, Credit condition review
2015-07-10 Bank of England: Implementing a UK leverage ratio framework
2015-07-09 ECB: Capital regulation in a macroeconomic model with three layers of default
2015-07-02 BIS / Caruana: The role of the CPMI as part of the Basel Process
2015-07-02 BIS: FSI Survey - Basel II, 2.5 and III Implementation
2015-07-01 ECB: EU structural financial indicators - 2014
2015-06-30 BoE: PRA - Regulated fees and levies: rates for 2015/16
2015-06-26 EBF: The digital transformation of banks and the Digital Single Market
2015-06-23 BoE: PRA and FCA announce new rules on remuneration
2015-06-19 Restructuring risky banks: Council agrees its negotiating stance
2015-06-18 CFS: How the new European Banking Supervision affects smaller banks
2015-06-08 Risk Magazine / David Rowe: Geeks at the gates
2015-06-08 EBF response to EBA consultation on RTS on detailed records of financial contracts
2015-06-08 BoE: Banking sector interconnectedness: what is it, how can we measure it and why does it matter?
2015-06-04 European Commission extends transitional period for capital requirements for banks' exposures to CCPs
2015-06-04 Fitch: Restoring trust in Basel IRB models will take time
2015-06-02 FSB's Mark Carney: Keep finance safe but do not shut out the vulnerable
2015-06-02 Reuters: Global regulators concerned over banks' own capital risk models
2015-05-29 BoE Working Paper: Banks are not intermediaries of loanable funds - and why this matters
2015-05-27 Bank of England: The implementation of ring-fencing - legal structure, governance and the continuity of services and facilities
2015-05-26 The Business Times: EU push for bank-structure rules falters as lawmakers split
2015-05-26 Bank of England: Contractual stays in financial contracts governed by third-country law
2015-05-26 FSB publishes thematic review on supervisory frameworks and approaches for SIBs
2015-05-22 BIS: Andreas Dombret: Six months of European banking supervision - what does this mean for "less significant institutions"?
2015-05-22 Bank of England Consultation Paper: The BoE’s power to direct institutions to address impediments to resolvability
2015-05-21 SNL: Leverage ratio a constant conundrum for European and US banks
2015-05-21 Bank of England: Corporate governance - Board responsibilities
2015-05-19 Fitch takes rating actions on European and US Banks on Support Revision
2015-05-19 Reuters: Deutsche heads the queue of banks prepping for 'Brexit'
2015-05-17 Reuters: Borders undermine drive to solve "too-big-to-fail" banking problem
2015-05-15 EBF Board meets in Riga for 120th meeting
2015-05-13 EBF: Banks ready for pivotal role in new growth ecosystem under CMU
2015-05-08 ECB: Reinforcing financial stability in the euro area
2015-05-06 Bruegel: Europe’s radical banking union
2015-05-06 EBA issues final guidance on recovery indicators
2015-05-05 IMF: Does Basel Compliance Matter for Bank Performance?
2015-05-05 Banking Technology: Banks face mad rush to prepare for MiFIR
2015-05-01 EBF response to the EBA discussion paper on the future of the Internal Rating Based (IRB) approach
2015-05-01 ECB publishes its Euro Money Market Study 2014
2015-05-01 EurActiv: Denmark announces plan to join EU banking union
2015-05-01 BIS: The international monetary and financial system - eliminating the blind spot
2015-04-30 BoE: The PRA Rulebook: Part 3
2015-04-29 EBA consults on a revised data template for the identification of G-SIIS
2015-04-29 Reuters: Germany to keep agency for troubled banks while EU fund set up
2015-04-29 ECB: The banking union and financial integration
2015-04-29 BIS: Banks - allowing them to fail
2015-04-27 Financial Times: The outdated ring fence that will starve City of London finance
2015-04-27 Financial Times: Stagnation, fines and regulation leave European banks struggling
2015-04-24 Financial Times: Deutsche Bank pays record fine for Libor manipulation
2015-04-24 ECB: Monitoring, regulation and self-regulation in the European banking sector
2015-04-23 Payments Council: Latest Current Account Switch Service figures published
2015-04-20 European Council approves strengthened rules on money laundering
2015-04-20 The Telegraph: HSBC chairman warns Britain's biggest bank could leave for Asia as taxes bite
2015-04-20 ECB: Annual Report 2014
2015-04-20 Reuters: ECB risks freezing repo market, ICMA official says
2015-04-14 EBF response to EBA consultation paper on draft ITS on procedures, forms and templates for the provision of information for resolution plans
2015-04-14 ECB: Results of the April 2015 euro area bank lending survey
2015-04-13 City A.M.: The death of cash: Brits pay by card and mobile instead
2015-04-13 FSB launched second peer review on resolution regimes
2015-04-13 EBF concerns regarding the Analytical Credit Datasets Project
2015-04-08 Wall Street Journal: IMF warns (again) of growing shadow-banking risks
2015-04-08 EBA published revised version of its 2015 Work Programme
2015-04-06 Financial Times: EU considers probe into unfair state aid for south European banks
2015-04-03 BoE: The PRA Rulebook: Part 2 - PS7/15
2015-04-03 ECB: Interview with Sabine Lautenschläger
2015-04-03 Financial Times: German bank files suit to avoid ECB monitors
2015-03-31 Financial Times: New payments watchdog takes aim at high street banks
2015-03-31 ECB: Annual Report on supervisory activities 2014
2015-03-31 Reuters: EU presidency wants to ditch ban on proprietary trading at banks
2015-03-30 Reuters: Banks call for rethink of global plans for capital "floors"
2015-03-30 BoE published details of 2015 stress test for largest UK banks and building societies
2015-03-30 BoE: Global Preamble - Codes of best market practice and shared global principles
2015-03-26 European Voice: Capital markets to challenge banks?
2015-03-26 European Voice: Banking reform special report - Held to account on banking reforms
2015-03-24 Reuters: ECB taking closer look at savings and coop banks
2015-03-23 BoE: Strengthening individual accountability in banking and insurance
2015-03-18 BIS Quarterly Review, March 2015
2015-03-16 Bank of England: Strengthening accountability in banking - UK branches of foreign banks
2015-03-16 EBF: Expert group recommends soft landing for tax information exchange
2015-03-13 EBF response to the EBA consultation on IRB requirements
2015-03-12 Reuters: EU parliament report casts doubt over bank trading curbs
2015-03-10 Financial Times: The ECB’s policy mix is poison for banks
2015-03-10 European Parliament: MEPs put an end to opaque card payment fees
2015-03-10 ECB/Yves Mersch: The Future of Banking – a Central Banker’s view
2015-03-09 Bank of England: Investment banking: linkages to the real economy and the financial system
2015-03-04 BIS: Andreas Dombret: Regulatory reform in Europe - mission accomplished?
2015-03-03 BIS: In support of coco bonds
2015-03-03 European Commission: A strong and stable banking system at the heart of Europe’s recovery
2015-03-02 Financial Times: Who will bear losses when banks go wrong?
2015-02-25 Reuters: Bank regulation takes back seat to kick-starting economy
2015-02-25 Bank of England: One Bank research agenda launched
2015-02-24 Reuters: Shrinking liquidity tops financial market concerns in BoE review
2015-02-24 Financial Times: Europe’s big banks will need to raise capital warns ECB
2015-02-24 BIS: Financial reform and the role of regulators
2015-02-24 BIS: A dynamic network model of the unsecured interbank lending market
2015-02-23 Financial Times: A ‘big bang’ to expand Europe’s economy
2015-02-19 FCA to investigate competition in investment and corporate banking services following review of wholesale markets
2015-02-17 EBF response to EBA’s consultation paper on draft guidelines on arrears and foreclosure
2015-02-17 EBF response to EBA’s consultation paper on draft guidelines on creditworthiness assessment
2015-02-13 EBF: Interest rate risk in the banking book – FAQs
2015-02-13 EBF response to EBA consultation on "Draft Guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to Deposit Guarantee Schemes"
2015-02-13 BoE: Estimating the extent of the ‘too-big-to-fail’ problem
2015-02-11 EBF response to EBA consultation on draft ITS amending ITS on supervisory reporting on LCR
2015-02-09 EBF response to EBA consultation on draft RTS on valuation
2015-02-07 BIS published indicators of global liquidity and analysis of oil market developments
2015-02-06 EBF response to consultation on draft RTS on contractual recognition of bail-in
2015-02-06 EBF response to EBA consultation paper on draft guidelines on the rate of conversion of debt to equity in bail-in
2015-02-06 EBF response to the FSB’s consultative document on Total Loss Absorbing Capacity
2015-02-03 Reuters: EU's Hill sticks by bank trading reform, hopes for compromise
2015-02-02 The Independent: 'Idiosyncratic' new stress tests to challenge weaker banks in the UK
2015-01-28 Vox EU: Bank resolution in Europe - The unfinished agenda of structural reform
2015-01-26 Financial Times: European banks warns capital rules will blunt QE
2015-01-23 Reuters: Bankers say big is beautiful, safe and economic
2015-01-23 Financial Times: Bank supervisor to review sovereign debt rules
2015-01-22 European Voice: MEPs divided over breaking up the eurozone’s biggest banks
2015-01-21 Reuters: Bank-style regulation offered as temporary fix for money market funds
2015-01-21 Reuters: ECB action could hurt banks' margins - Deutsche Bank co-CEO
2015-01-20 Reuters: ECB QE set up for disappointment
2015-01-20 BIS: Banking statistics
2015-01-19 Bank of England: Assessing capital adequacy under Pillar 2
2015-01-16 Bank of England: Recovery planning and resolution planning
2015-01-14 Financial Times: Deutsche considers retail bank spin-off
2015-01-13 Financial Times: Withering regulations will make for shrivelled banks
2015-01-13 Reuters: European banks face $52 billion in litigation costs
2015-01-12 EPRS: Covered bonds – ripe for expansion?
2015-01-12 Reuters: UK banking, other trade bodies to consult on merger
2015-01-10 ECB: Interview with Der Spiegel
2015-01-09 Financial Times: Regulators right to cut biggest banks down to size
2015-01-09 EBF: European banks takes note of European Parliament report on bank separation
2015-01-06 Reuters: EU lawmaker seeks to dilute bank trading reform
2015-01-02 European Commission: A single rulebook for the resolution of failing banks

Prior Years Reports

Banking Union - 2014266 articles out of 266.

Banking Union - 2013285 articles out of 285.

Banking Union - 2012267 articles out of 267.

Banking Union - 2011147 articles out of 147.

Banking Union - 2010138 articles out of 138.

Banking Union - 2009132 articles out of 132.

Banking Union - 2008123 articles out of 123.

Banking Union - 200747 articles out of 47.

Banking Union - 200620 articles out of 20.

Banking Union - 200519 articles out of 19.

Banking Union - 20045 articles out of 5.

Banking Union - 20033 articles out of 3.