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The unfolding impact of Brexit on the UK financial services industry. (NOTE: My articles and videos are posted separately in Graham's articles)

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Brexit and the City - 2022110 articles out of 110.

Brexit and the City - 202155 articles out of 55.

Brexit and the City - 202030 articles out of 30.

Brexit and the City - 2019150 articles out of 150.

Brexit and the City - 201844 articles out of 44.

Brexit and the City - 2017225 articles out of 225.

Brexit and the City - 2016792 articles out of 792.

Brexit and the City - 2015399 articles out of 399.

Brexit and the City - 2014150 articles out of 150.

2013 Brexit and the City
2013-12-18 Statement of Eurogroup and ECOFIN Ministers on the SRM backstop
2013-12-18 ECOFIN Council agrees general approach on Single Resolution Mechanism
2013-12-17 Statement by the President of the Eurogroup on Greece
2013-12-15 Jean-Dominique Giuliani: France-Germany, a duty to help recovery
2013-12-10 EDP for Poland: Insufficient action taken, ECOFIN Council issues new recommendation; Commission recommends EDP for Croatia
2013-12-10 ECOFIN Council results: Taxation
2013-12-10 ECOFIN Council ready to conclude negotiations with Parliament on banking sector rules (BRRD/DGS)
2013-12-09 Eurogroup: IMF confirms euro area's improving growth prospects
2013-12-09 Work programme for the Eurogroup for the first half of 2014
2013-12-09 Eurogroup endorses 12th and final review of Irish adjustment programme
2013-12-09 Eurogroup statement on Cyprus: Next tranche of financial assistance approved
2013-12-08 Simon Nixon: What Europe really needs is a Bankruptcy Union
2013-12-08 David Lidington MP: It's time for national Parliaments to give the EU Commission the red card
2013-12-06 Jean-Claude Piris: The five crises in Europe and the future of the EU
2013-12-03 VP Reding: Towards a federal Europe
2013-12-01 EESC/Malosse: It's time to rebuild hope in Europe
2013-11-23 ECB/Cœuré: The political dimension of European economic integration
2013-11-21 EV editorial: Fight the far-right with distinctions
2013-11-20 Eurogroup/Dijsselbloem: Europe House Lecture
2013-11-18 President Barroso: The political implications of European economic integration – Towards a political union
2013-11-14 Eurogroup statement on Ireland: Programme exit without financial assistance fully supported
2013-11-14 Eurogroup supports Spain's decision not to request any successor ESM financial assistance following programme exit in January 2014
2013-11-14 Remarks by Jeroen Dijsselbloem & VP Rehn following the meeting of the Eurogroup
2013-11-14 Frans Timmermans: Monnet's Europe needs reform to fit the 21st century
2013-11-10 Simon Nixon: Germany's surplus isn't the problem
2013-11-08 President Barroso: From 1946 till today – a European success story. Why leadership matters
2013-11-05 Heather Grabbe: How not to fix the European Union's democratic deficit
2013-11-03 Schulz: Why I am running for President of the European Commission
2013-10-31 Philip Stephens: Hollande holds key to Merkel's euro plan
2013-10-30 50th COSAC meeting discusses offering national Parliaments the right of legislative initiative
2013-10-30 Reuters: EU's Barroso warns of racism and xenophobia ahead of European elections
2013-10-28 Eurogroup/Dijsselbloem: Speech at Nueva Economía Forum in Madrid
2013-10-25 EUobserver: EU vote not decisive on Commission President, says Merkel
2013-10-24 John Wyles: A sensible selection process?
2013-10-21 Jan-Werner Mueller: How Europe could face its own shutdown
2013-10-21 Avinash Persaud: Bail-ins are no better than fool's gold
2013-10-15 Eurogroup: Ireland and Spain prepare to exit their programmes; Towards a Banking Union
2013-10-14 Kathimerini/Taylor: What is left for Europe's mainstream centre-left?
2013-10-11 IMF/Shafik: Europe's choice - Risk stagnation or pursue integration
2013-10-03 Commissioner Šemeta: Europe at a crossroad
2013-10-03 President Barroso: Repatriation of powers "impossible"
2013-10-02 President Van Rompuy: "The State of Europe - Tough choices for a troubled Europe"
2013-10-01 Commissioner Barnier: Euroscepticism needs to be taken seriously
2013-09-23 Reform the EU or repatriate its powers?
2013-09-17 Commissioner Andor: Reconstruction in Europe
2013-09-16 IMF: New policies to fend off financial crises
2013-09-16 Synopia: Remaking Europe - Framework for a policy
2013-09-14 Lithuanian Presidency: EU and OECD agree to foster progress in developing global standard of automatic exchange of tax information
2013-09-14 EU Finance Ministers had their first ECOFIN level discussion on the SRM
2013-09-13 Eurogroup statement on Cyprus: Disbursement of next tranche of financial assistance endorsed
2013-09-13 Euro area exits recession - Eurogroup cautiously optimistic
2013-09-09 Tony Blair: For Britain to leave the EU would be economic suicide
2013-09-08 Wolfgang Münchau: The arithmetic of Germany's election points to instability
2013-09-07 President Van Rompuy: 'Sources of economic growth and jobs' - Speech at the Ambrosetti Forum in Italy
2013-09-05 ECON Committee: Greece in line for more help, Dijsselbloem tells MEPs
2013-08-28 Wolfgang Münchau: The money trail - Red-red-green best solution for Europe
2013-08-13 Martin Schulz: Did we really learn the lessons of the crisis?
2013-08-01 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: European resilience
2013-07-28 Quentin Peel: Policy paralysis in Europe could extend far past German election
2013-07-25 IMF Executive Board concludes 2013 Article IV Consultation on euro area policies
2013-07-21 Wolfgang Münchau: A Grexit is starting to look more feasible for Athens
2013-07-21 Simon Nixon: Muddling through may work for Europe
2013-07-14 Wolfgang Münchau: The dangers of Europe's technocratic busybodies
2013-07-14 Simon Nixon: Eurozone chiefs face moment of truth in handling crisis
2013-07-11 Gillian Tett: Dense feedback loops heighten risk of contagion
2013-07-11 VP Šefčovič: National parliaments and the future of Economic and Monetary Union
2013-07-10 Sony Kapoor: Germany must embrace its crown of thorns
2013-07-09 John Nugée: Fiduciary trust - Foreword to ICMA's Quarterly Report Q3 2013
2013-07-09 ECOFIN Council: Lithuanian Presidency Work Programme
2013-07-09 Eurogroup statement: Progress on Greece; Other EU developments
2013-07-08 Eurogroup Statement on Greece: Next EFSF instalment approved
2013-07-07 Wolfgang Münchau: Forward guidance only works if you do it right
2013-07-07 Simon Nixon: A reluctant hegemon steps to forefront
2013-07-05 ECOFIN Council Work Programme during the Lithuanian Presidency
2013-07-03 EP gives go-ahead for Latvia to join the euro
2013-07-03 President Barroso's statement in Plenary on the Lithuanian Presidency
2013-07-03 European Council: Lithuania to focus on economic growth, financial stability and cooperation during EU presidency
2013-07-02 Plenary Session: Summit conclusions, EU long-term budget and PRISM top debate with EU leaders
2013-06-30 Martin Winter: A farewell to Europe's stars
2013-06-30 Jean Pisani-Ferry: The euro on the mend
2013-06-27 Nikolas Busse: Misfortune of the moment
2013-06-27 EP President Schulz to European Council: EU institutions face a test of their credibility by failing to act on promised reforms
2013-06-25 2014 elections: "A real choice between people and parties and ideas"
2013-06-25 WSJ: EU's eroding support imperils crisis response
2013-06-24 ECON Committee: Latvia recommended to become next eurozone member
2013-06-23 Wolfgang Münchau: Europe is ignoring the scale of bank losses
2013-06-21 Main results of the ECOFIN Council
2013-06-21 ECOFIN Council extends maturities of EFSM loans to Ireland, Portugal
2013-06-21 ECOFIN Council agrees measures to combat VAT fraud
2013-06-21 Eurogroup agrees the main features of a direct bank recapitalisation instrument
2013-06-21 ECOFIN Council results: Combating tax fraud - Automatic exchange of information
2013-06-20 ESM direct bank recapitalisation instrument: Main features of the operational framework and way forward
2013-06-20 Remarks by VP Rehn at Eurogroup press conference
2013-06-20 Work Programme for the Eurogroup for the second half of 2013
2013-06-18 Andrés Ortega: Better to suffer inside the eurozone
2013-06-17 Hans-Helmut Kotz: Europe's Economic Groupthink
2013-06-16 Wolfgang Münchau: Bond market nerves threaten to end Europe’s calm
2013-06-14 De Grauwe & Ji: Fiscal implications of the ECB's bond-buying programme
2013-06-14 Zanny Minton Beddoes: The reluctant hegemon
2013-06-13 World Bank: Strength in diversity - Embracing new markets in the EU11
2013-06-13 Schulz on negotiating mandate on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
2013-06-12 Plenary Session: Wake-up call for the Council before the next summit
2013-06-10 Karl Whelan: Sorry Olli, the IMF were being nice about Europe's role in Greece
2013-06-09 Wolfgang Münchau: Hail the outbreak of honesty about Greece's bailout
2013-06-06 John Wyles: A bad time to lose your nerve
2013-06-05 Gerhard Schröder: France should copy Germany's reforms to thrive
2013-06-03 Gérard Errera: Cameron and the folly of playing politics with Europe
2013-06-02 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: France/Europe - Serious business is about to start
2013-06-02 Wolfgang Münchau: Austerity, like a B-movie monster, will keep coming back
2013-05-30 The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) - A view from TheCityUK
2013-05-30 Stewart Fleming: Resolving to end European stagnation
2013-05-28 ECON Committee: A taxing problem - The cost of failing to act on fiscal evasion
2013-05-28 Andor et al: Austerity could only ever bring Europe so far
2013-05-26 Wolfgang Münchau: Europe's future looks more Japanese than German
2013-05-22 DGB: A Marshall Plan for Europe
2013-05-22 EP President Schulz: Speech to the European Council
2013-05-21 Canuto & Cavallari: Integrating monetary policy and macro-prudential regulation
2013-05-21 European Economic Area Council Conclusions
2013-05-20 Simon Nixon: The EU waiting game is over for Cameron
2013-05-19 Wolfgang Münchau: It doesn't make much sense but I'm a eurofanatic
2013-05-15 "Unlocking opportunities for growth and competitiveness" - Keynote opening speech by President Van Rompuy
2013-05-14 ECOFIN Council conclusions on tax evasion and tax fraud
2013-05-14 ECOFIN Council conclusions on Macro-Economic Imbalances - In-Depth Reviews 2013
2013-05-14 ECOFIN on bank recovery and resolution
2013-05-14 ECOFIN on Economic and Monetary Union
2013-05-14 Irish Presidency: Agreement on taxation issues and progress on banking resolution at ECOFIN meeting
2013-05-13 Eurogroup Statement on Greece: Green light for next EFSF instalment of €7.5 billion
2013-05-13 Eurogroup Statement on Cyprus: ESM disburses first tranche of financial assistance to Cyprus
2013-05-13 Hugo Dixon: Brexit would be bad for Britain
2013-05-12 Simon Nixon: Time for Cameron to explain EU stance
2013-05-12 Martin Schulz: Europe needs to change; let the debate begin
2013-05-12 Wolfgang Münchau: Lord Lawson is right – Britain does not need Europe
2013-05-09 Paul De Grauwe: Debt without drowning
2013-05-09 Martin Wolf: The time for a [UK] decision on Europe is now, not 2017
2013-05-07 ECON Committee: MEPs dig deeper into Troika's Cyprus deal
2013-05-07 Eurogroup/Dijsselbloem: Blueprint for a deep and genuine EMU - "There is still a long way to go"
2013-05-07 Eurogroup President sets record straight on Cyprus
2013-05-07 Martin Wolf: The German model is not for export
2013-05-02 Speech by Council President Van Rompuy at the Estoril Conference 2013: "Global challenge, Europe's answer"
2013-05-01 Jean Pisani-Ferry: A fateful mistake
2013-04-29 IMF: Financing Future Growth - The Evolving Role of Banking Systems in CESEE
2013-04-29 Simon Nixon: In place of austerity - What comes next?
2013-04-25 ECON Committee: Commissioner Rehn pledges slower austerity to critical MEPs
2013-04-25 Ian Wishart: Is Slovenia en route to a banking sector bail-out?
2013-04-24 ECB/Mersch: Europe's ills cannot be healed by monetary innovation alone
2013-04-20 IMF: Communiqué of the 27th Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee
2013-04-18 IMF: Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs and Development
2013-04-18 ECON Committee: MEPs demand proper consultation on economic monitoring
2013-04-17 Irish president Michael D Higgins: We need new economic models to overcome the crisis
2013-04-17 Plenary Session: Bolder and more accountable ECB needed to fight eurozone crisis
2013-04-16 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: Gale warning over the Franco-German relationship
2013-04-16 FT: IMF deals blow to Osborne's plan A
2013-04-16 Plenary Session: MEPs push for a different ECB to tackle the eurozone crisis
2013-04-15 Eurogroup: Good progress in several key areas
2013-04-15 Hans-Olaf Henkel: Europe's procrustean nightmare
2013-04-14 Wolfgang Münchau: The riddle of Europe's single currency with many values
2013-04-12 Speaking points by VP Rehn at the press conference of the informal ECOFIN Council
2013-04-12 Statement by the Eurogroup and ECOFIN Ministers on adjustment programmes in Ireland and Portugal
2013-04-12 Eurogroup welcomes staff-level agreement reached between Cyprus and the Troika
2013-04-11 ECON Committee: Economic MEPs call for greater scrutiny by Parliament over economic monitoring
2013-04-07 Wolfgang Münchau: The ECB's priority should be to fix southern Europe
2013-04-02 John Kay: Bungled bailout heralds shift in attitudes
2013-03-31 Wolfgang Münchau: Economics will catch up with the euro
2013-03-28 OECD: Global economy is improving but Europe lags behind
2013-03-25 Eurogroup reaches agreement with Cypriot authorities on key elements for a future macro-economic adjustment programme
2013-03-24 Wolfgang Münchau: Eurozone break-up edges even closer
2013-03-24 Simon Nixon: Now we are seeing politics in the raw
2013-03-24 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: Cyprus, or a few lessons from Aphrodite...
2013-03-22 EP: Cyprus banks - Parliament calls for fairer and sustainable solution
2013-03-22 Ocnus.Net Editorial: The political background to the Cyprus crisis
2013-03-21 Karl Whelan: Revised TARGET2 paper & implications for ECB of Cyprus exit
2013-03-21 ECON Committee: Financial assistance for non-euro Member States
2013-03-21 ECON Committee: Eurogroup President Dijsselbloem in the dock
2013-03-20 Van Rompuy and Šefčovič debrief MEPs on European Council and Cyprus
2013-03-20 European Commission/Eurogroup statements on Cyprus
2013-03-17 Wolfgang Münchau: Europe is risking a bank run
2013-03-16 Eurogroup statement on Portugal and Ireland: Adjustment agreed regarding maturities of EFSF loans to both countries
2013-03-15 European Council: Strengthening economic and monetary union - Progress on legislative files
2013-03-14 European Council Conclusions: 14/15 March 2013
2013-03-14 Remarks by President Herman Van Rompuy following the European Council
2013-03-14 Speech by EP President Schulz to the European Council
2013-03-13 Plenary Session pre-summit debate: Austerity versus growth, concerns about Hungary
2013-03-12 ECON Committee: Green light for economic governance "Two-Pack"
2013-03-12 Neil Buckley: East’s 'transition backlash' alerts core EU
2013-03-11 FT editorial: Dutch deficits
2013-03-09 Sinn & Valentinyi: European imbalances
2013-03-08 Richard Barley: The mysterious power of ECB backstop
2013-03-08 Sylvie Goulard: The EU five years from now? Integration, like it or not
2013-03-07 FT: Political centre at risk as eurozone fears revive
2013-03-07 ECON Committee: Economic governance "two pack" background note
2013-03-06 Letter from President Van Rompuy to the members of the European Council
2013-03-06 Polish President: Stronger EU answer to crisis
2013-03-05 Yanis Varoufakis: From contagion to incoherence - Toward a model of the unfolding eurozone crisis
2013-03-05 ECOFIN: Statement of Finance Ministers on Ireland and Portugal
2013-03-05 ECOFIN Council Conclusions on the quality of public expenditure
2013-03-05 Eurogroup: Taking stock
2013-03-04 Dutch government: Reform the EU from within, not from the sideline
2013-03-04 Paul De Grauwe: Pool debt, or face dangerous upheavals across Europe
2013-03-04 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: European Parliament's mistake
2013-03-04 Eurogroup Statement on Cyprus: Political endorsement of programme targeted for second half of March
2013-03-04 Eurogroup welcomes Greek reforms and disbursement by EFSF of €2.8 billion
2013-03-04 Remarks by VP Rehn at the Eurogroup press conference
2013-02-28 President Van Rompuy: "Britain in Europe - Channelling change together"
2013-02-26 ECON Committee: Latvian officials press case for eurozone membership with MEPs
2013-02-26 Martin Wolf: The sad record of fiscal austerity
2013-02-25 Karl Whelan: A plea for growth to Europe's politicians
2013-02-24 Simon Wren-Lewis: Is a monetary union without fiscal/political union doomed?
2013-02-24 Wolfgang Münchau: Austerity obstructs real economic reform
2013-02-24 Simon Nixon: Cyprus may prove bigger danger than Italy
2013-02-21 De Grauwe/Ji: Panic-driven austerity in the eurozone and its implications
2013-02-20 ECON Committee: Lawmakers and EU countries reach deal on EU fiscal rules [two-pack]
2013-02-20 Schulz welcomes deal on two-pack as another step towards stronger economic governance
2013-02-19 Martin Wolf: Why the euro crisis is not yet over
2013-02-19 Ulrich Speck: Germany must decide the power it wields
2013-02-18 Hans-Werner Sinn: The collateral damage of Europe's rescue
2013-02-15 Peer Steinbrück on the eurozone crisis and the future of the European Union
2013-02-12 ECOFIN sets guidelines for a sustainable economy
2013-02-12 Eurogroup discusses the economic situation in the euro area
2013-02-12 ECOFIN Council conclusions on the sustainability of public finances in the EU
2013-02-12 ECOFIN Council conclusions on the Alert Mechanism Report 2013
2013-02-11 Karl Whelan: Ireland's promissory note deal
2013-02-10 Wolfgang Münchau: Ireland shows the way with its debt deal
2013-02-10 Paul N Goldschmidt: The Brussels budgetary compromise - A British triumph, a European disaster!
2013-02-06 ECON Committee: Austerity vs growth - MEPs clash over best way to tackle crisis
2013-02-06 Paul N Goldschmidt: On democracy in Europe!
2013-02-05 ECON Committee: Draft report on the Annual Tax Report - How to free the EU potential for economic growth
2013-02-05 François Hollande: "I refuse to condemn Europe to austerity without end"
2013-02-04 President Van Rompuy Report: "The European Council 2012"
2013-02-03 Wolfgang Münchau: The eurozone crisis is not finished
2013-01-31 Washington Post: Dutch government - Countries must be allowed to exit European Union, European treaties, euro
2013-01-29 Paul N Goldschmidt: The vulnerability of the European Union
2013-01-28 Commissioner Andor: Europeans want and deserve a monetary union with a human face
2013-01-28 Stefan Collignon: The future of the Franco-German couple
2013-01-27 Simon Nixon: Two ways to look at sovereignty issue
2013-01-27 Wolfgang Münchau: Euro and trade will make EU irrelevant
2013-01-24 Quentin Peel: Cameron in danger of misreading Merkel
2013-01-23 ECON Committee: Irish Presidency priorities on the economy and finance
2013-01-23 IMF projects modest growth pick-up in 2013
2013-01-23 Julian Priestley: David Cameron's argument will fool no-one, and will relegate the existing EU-UK relationship to the periphery
2013-01-23 Paul N Goldschmidt: David Cameron's EU speech - A monument of arrogance, incoherence and contempt!
2013-01-23 IMF/Lagarde: A new global economy for a new generation
2013-01-22 ECOFIN: Main results of the Council
2013-01-22 Vice-President Rehn's remarks at the Eurogroup press conference
2013-01-22 IMF Working Paper: You never give me your money? Sovereign debt crises, collective action problems and IMF lending
2013-01-22 VP Rehn's remarks at the ECOFIN press conference
2013-01-21 ECON Committee: MEPs tell Commission to ease up on austerity and focus on growth and tax evasion instead
2013-01-21 New Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Work Programme
2013-01-21 ECON Committee: Italy's economic policy under the spotlight
2013-01-20 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: France and Germany - A couple of the future
2013-01-20 Wolfgang Münchau: Monti is not the right man to lead Italy
2013-01-18 Irish Minister for European Affairs calls for greater democratic accountability in the EU
2013-01-18 ECOFIN Council: Irish Presidency work programme
2013-01-14 Peter Kellner: Britain, Europe and the fear factor
2013-01-13 Wolfgang Münchau: It does not really matter if Britain leaves
2013-01-13 Edmond Alphandéry: The eurozone's agenda in 2013
2013-01-13 Simon Nixon: What Cameron needs to say on Europe
2013-01-11 Jean-Dominique Guiliani: The UK and Europe (or populism English style)
2013-01-10 Unity and comprehensive long-term vision vital for eurozone, Juncker tells MEPs
2013-01-08 Reuters: Dutchman likely to head eurozone finance ministers
2013-01-02 Gideon Rachman: Britain would vote to stay in the EU

Prior Years Reports

Brexit and the City - 2012469 articles out of 469.

Brexit and the City - 2011147 articles out of 147.

Brexit and the City - 20101 articles out of 1.

Brexit and the City - 20091 articles out of 1.