Until now the European Union did not have any enemies. This was its singularity and its pride. The economic crisis and Russian diplomacy have changed all of this: Europe now has enemies and the pack is out to kill.
From within extremists are riding on the economic difficulties caused by unprecedented globalisation in a bid to make the Union responsible for the failures which are firstly to blame on pitiful national policies. People are dreaming of Europe on the outside but from within an attempt is underway to make us despair. Because in Europe and with the euro - aren't there countries that are succeeding and some which are not?
Putin and Russian diplomacy became aware rather late in the day that they were neighbours to the world's leading economic and trade power, of an area of freedom and justice, of true rule of law that is in line with the people's deepest wishes, where solidarity is organised like nowhere else on earth. It is not surprising that they are doing everything in their power to dismember Ukraine and at the same time discredit Europe - at the same time their allies within the Union are being recruited amongst both right and leftwing extremists, but also sometimes on the fringes of some major government parties.
Marine le Pen made the trip to Moscow and was applauded in the Duma where the real extremists are seated. She took the side of Russia in its conflict in Ukraine. She even dispatched to Crimea her Ile de France's leading candidate in the European elections as an observer in the mock referendum that took place on 16 March, which has been denounced by the international community. Her representative was in good company there, since 135 emissaries from the worst European far-right and neo-nazi parties went along too.
Europeans now have real enemies that they have to fight. From within, via commitment to Europe that political leaders must now finally assume to the full, through debate, belief, calling on reason and the general interest that our citizens know how to recognise. On the outside, determination is required to stop the dangerous direction taken by a country that will not think twice about riding rough shod over all of the multilateral and bilateral agreements it has ever signed, to use force and threats to challenge the stability of the continent.
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© JD Giuliani

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