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25 February 2022

The UK in a changing Europe: British politics after Brexit

Brexit is done. its political ramifications, less so. This should not, however, lead us to assume that the ‘Brexit effect’ will be with us forever.

 Nor that Brexit’s impact will not decline as other issues come to

dominate the political agenda. so where does our politics now stand? what is the
state of public opinion?

to answer these and many other questions, this report brings together a stellar
collection of the leading scholars in the field. in keeping with the mission of UK in
a changing europe, they have provided short, accessible contributions outlining
what the best research tells us.

My first task, therefore, is to thank them not only for agreeing to write, but for
coping with what must have seemed like (and in some instances were) an endless
series of substantive and editorial demands with tremendous efficiency and with
great good humour.

within our team itself, Paula surridge and alan wager provided the intellectual
glue to hold everything together, with alan flexing his organisational muscles
to keep track of the various contributions as they came in. sophie stowers
kept the show on the road with her usual bewildering air of calm, Joe rachman
kindly proofread the entire document, while tom Mansfield gathered everything
together and liaised with the printers and designers to get the copies finalised
just in the nick of time. Myself, i flapped a lot and intend to take credit for the
published report.

said report, i think, makes a timely and definitive contribution to the state of our
knowledge about politics, parties and public opinion. i hope you will agree that it
is an interesting and informative contribution to the debate.


© The UK in a changing Europe

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