This is the third edition of the UK in a Changing Europe’s UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker, covering 27 cases of divergence since December 2021.
There are fourteen cases of active divergence (where the
UK – or some part of it – takes steps to move away from retained EU
law), ten of passive divergence (where the EU legislates and the UK – or
some part – does not follow), and three of procedural divergence (where
the UK has to introduce new systems to manage policy absent substantive
divergence). There are also eleven cases with an additional ‘internal
impact’ label, to indicate where UK-EU divergence is leading either to
divergence in regulation between different parts of the UK, or has some
other impact on the operation of relations between the four UK
The first edition of the UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker is available here and the second is available here.
Third Report
UK and EU
© The UK in a changing Europe
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