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14 March 2017

ロンドン経済紙のCITY A.M.:BBA(英国銀行協会)、EU(欧州連合)27か国へのロビイングを計画

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The UK's pressure group for the banking industry is pulling together plans to lobby the EU27 for a Brexit deal that will benefit all involved, just days before Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to pull the trigger on Article 50.

The British Bankers' Association (BBA) has signed up an army of experts to draft plans to persuade EU business and political figures that a Brexit deal which maintains the financial sector's ties with the European system would be in everybody's best interests.

Among those the BBA is consulting for its European Banking Policy Network is Matthew Sinclair, head of economics at Westbourne Communications, who is known for his Brexiteer views and used to head up the TaxPayer's Alliance.

"The BBA has appointed a number of agencies, including Westbourne, to support its European policy work," said a BBA spokesperson. "The project is at an early stage, and we can’t provide further details at this time." [...]

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