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05 June 2017

ロンドン経済紙のCITY A.M.:インベスコ、SWF(政府系ファンド)等にとっての投資魅力度調査でドイツが英国を逆転したと報告

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Sovereign wealth funds and central banks are choosing to invest less in the UK following Brexit, a survey by investment manager Invesco has found, as Germany and the US see a surge in popularity.

The UK's investment attractiveness dropped from scoring 7.5 out of 10 last year to just 5.5 this year, as rated by the 97 sovereign investors and central bank reserve managers surveyed by investment manager Invesco.

Meanwhile, a significant 41 per cent of the respondents intended to underweight UK assets in their portfolio in 2017.

The bleak outlook follows a year of poor performance for the country, with 33 per cent of respondents – higher than in any other region – reporting that they had made fewer new investments to the UK in 2016 compared to their existing portfolio.

However, a slim 54 per cent majority of sovereign investors did not intend to make any changes to their UK weightings over the next year. [...]

The study also pointed out that the drop in the value of sterling may have been largely to blame for investment allocation declines, rather than actual withdrawals from the UK.

Germany, meanwhile, shot up the popularity ranks as its investment attractiveness rating ballooned from 7.0 to 7.8 points out of 10 year-on-year.

The country bucked the trend of its neighbours, as investors decreased the percentage of assets under management they had allocated to continental Europe from 12.8 per cent last year to 11.2 per cent.

According to Invesco's analysis, Germany is perceived as a “safe haven” based on its economic strength.

The US also stood out. Whereas Brexit may have been perceived as a negative for investors, the election of President Donald Trump proved to do little to deter commitments to the US.

It was ranked as the most attractive country for the fourth year running, scoring eight out of 10 points. [...]

Full article on City AM

Invesco Global Sovereign Asset Management Study 2017

© City A.M.

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