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14 February 2017

ESMA(欧州証券市場機構)、MiFID II(第2次金融商品市場指令)における取引施設規制を回避するためのシステマティック・インターナライザーのネットワーク化を図るブローカー・クロッシング・ネットワークへの対応を求める書簡を送付

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ESMA has written to the European Commission to raise its concern over the potential establishment of networks of systematic internalisers by investment firms to circumvent certain MIFID II obligations.

In particular, the requirements for investment firms operating internal matching systems and executing client orders on a multilateral basis to be authorised as trading venues, and the trading obligation for shares.

In the letter, ESMA asks the European Commission to consider whether there is a need for the Commission to take action to address this issue, such as clarifying certain MiFID II definitions. ESMA also states that it will closely monitor developments in this area and may, in the future, clarify the scope of SIs’ permitted activities and the characteristics of multilateral systems via its Questions and Answers documents. 

Full letter


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