EPP's candidate fro Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, outlines his priorities, stating his intention to bring Europe back on track to economic growth and new jobs.
Fiscal Responsibility
"It seems to me that the Socialists would like to spend money that they do not have. They would like to spend money that our Member States also do not have. We in the EPP do not believe that accumulating more and more debt is the best way out of the present crisis. We in the EPP believe that too much debt is anti-social. Because the debt accumulated today will have to be paid back by our children and grandchildren."
Digital Single Market
"Where our single market remains incomplete is when it comes to digital products and services. This is what I want to work for as Commission President: Making sure that Europe creates a truly integrated digital single market in the next 5 years. This could generate additional growth in Europe worth €500 billion - just by intelligent European policy measures, and without spending money we do not have.
"If we ask companies to offer their networks and services not only nationally any longer but now on a continental scale, we should, in my view, also apply EU competition law with a continental spirit. A truly integrated market will need pan-European operators."
"Regulating less, better and simpler is a commitment taken by most governments and by many Commissioners. I intend however to make this a clear priority of my Commission from day one and until my last day in office."
Foreign Policy
"The Ukraine crisis must be a wake-up call for Europe. Europe is and remains the most important guarantee for peace on our continent. The European flags on the Maidan in Kiev have reminded us very clearly of this."
Energy Policy
"If I am Commission President, I will add strengthening Europe’s energy policy to my list of top priorities. This is for me a key lesson of the Ukraine crisis. Europe needs to become less dependent on energy imports. And we need to strengthen Europe’s energy infrastructures between the West and the East of Europe, and between the North and the South."
Full speech
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