Jean-Claude Juncker, the president-elect of the European Commission, is reported to be considering giving management roles to former prime ministers who are members of the college of commissioners. The ex-prime ministers would take on a ‘filter’ role between the president and the rest of the commissioners, according to Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. This potential shake-up of the Commission’s structure could give these ‘ministers without portfolio’ greater influence as they would be co-ordinating the work of commissioners with more traditional portfolios.
There is ongoing speculation about a possible change in the Commission’s structure. With the expansion of the Union to 28 members, not all countries are able to secure a heavyweight post in the Commission, leading to calls for a division between ‘senior’ and ‘junior’ portfolios.
Commenting on the rumours in Finnish media, Olli Rehn, a former commissioner and now an MEP and vice-president of the European Parliament, questioned the benefits of filter roles. “A weighty portfolio is the best way to ensure influence,” he said.
Juncker, who is still waiting for official nominations from all countries, is working on the composition of the next College. The French nominee Pierre Moscovici is tipped for the economic portfolio and there are rumours that this will be combined with financial services responsibilities from DG Market. In turn, the DG Market may have digital services added to it. This all suggests further re-configuring of the Commission.
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