Council President Tusk briefed the press about the main topics discussed in the round of consultations ahead of the European Council: the possibility of a Brexit and the migration crisis. Tusk said "the risk of break-up is real because this process is indeed very fragile."
Our meeting today is part of my final round of consultations in the run up to the European Council in only three days' time. It will be a crucial summit with the two biggest challenges to the future of the European Union on the agenda: The United Kingdom's future membership of the European Union and the migration crisis. On neither can we afford to fail.
Let me begin with the United Kingdom. These are difficult but also hugely important negotiations. At stake is the United Kingdom's membership of the EU. A question which only the British people can and will decide. At stake is also the future of our European Union where we will all have to decide together, and where we cannot and will not compromise on the fundamental freedoms and values. It is in this spirit that I drafted my proposal for a new settlement for the UK in the EU.
There are still a number of outstanding political issues that we will have to agree on. These include the questions of future treaty change, a so-called emergency brake for non-euro area countries, a safeguard mechanism on access to in-work benefits, and finally the notion of ever closer union.
In Romania as well as in other EU countries, the issue of social benefits continues to be the most difficult one. Let me assure you that the proposal I have put on the table is a fair and balanced one. The safeguard mechanism on access to in-work benefits is not designed to apply to EU citizens currently working in the UK. This proposal protects the freedom of movement, while helping the UK to address its concerns when it comes to their specific system of in-work benefits.
After my talks today with President Iohannis, Prime Minister Cameron, and President Hollande and before meeting Prime Minister Tsipras, Prime Minister Sobotka and Chancellor Merkel tomorrow, I have only one political reflection: This is a critical moment. It is high time we started listening to each other's arguments more than to our own. It is natural in negotiations that positions harden, as we get closer to crunch time. But the risk of break-up is real because this process is indeed very fragile. Handle with care. What is broken cannot be mended. [...]
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