Writing for the Mirror, the former Prime Minister lays out his case for why we should vote to remain in the EU on June 23.
[...]In thinking about the upcoming referendum on Europe, we must surely start from our needs and aspirations as British people – rather than from the supposed virtues of the European Union and its institutions.
We must understand that the British public’s relationship with Europe is – and always has been, the sporting arena aside – about the benefits we can achieve in jobs, security and quality of life from membership and how these benefits outweigh any disadvantages.
But we know, too, that we have to answer those who assert that Britain is losing its identity and that it is no longer the country it used to be.
These feelings are rooted in our response to globalisation – the sense that it is an out-of-control, runaway train – and in a fundamental distrust of the status quo.
But surely in a world that is getting smaller, being in Europe enables us to play a part in shaping something bigger than ourselves?
Our argument should be that Britain can best manage globalisation in our interests – and meet the challenges of an independent world – by leading not leaving Europe.
We should demonstrate that in war, under Churchill and Lloyd George, and in peace, Britain always was, already is and can continue to be a leader.
Not being half out. Not being fully out, as the Eurosceptics want us to be. But pushing our way to Europe’s centre where and when it matters – always to be in the vanguard of shaping Europe and, through our influence in Europe, shaping the world.
Britain must lead in Europe to intensify the fight against global terrorism and make our country safer.
We must lead to stop illegal immigration by cross border co-operation and to arrest people smugglers.
And we must be leaders on European reform to secure the thousands of British jobs, from the car industry to pharmaceuticals and whisky, that come from intensifying trade with the rest of the world.
We must be at the forefront of the fight against climate change through a policy that co-ordinates our use of energy and, by making them part of a common European pool, does not waste our abundant supplies of wind, wave and hydro-power.
And we must also lead Europe in the fight against avoiders and evaders who pay no tax and co-operate with other nations to counter those who deprive our public services of the resources they need.
As well as being a leader we must also show the qualities that have helped build Britain’s worldwide reputation for fair play and stability.
I think most people would agree that it’s not British or in tune with the Churchillian spirit, to simply disengage when Ukraine is in turmoil, Russia is the aggressor and Europe’s eastern border is in chaos.
It’s not British – in the spirit of a country that defeated fascism on the continent of Europe – to retreat to Europe’s sidelines when there is a common fight against illegal immigration and terrorism. [...]
We need to lead in pushing for a trade treaty with the rest of the world and an overhaul of the single market with the target of creating millions of new jobs. We need Europe to help initiate a modern-day equivalent of the post-war Marshall Plan that would bring peace and stability to the Middle East. [...]
Now what is really critical is globalisation and the reality of interdependence.
This is the one major change since the last European referendum in 1975.
We have become interconnected, part of an integrated economy and we are living through a period in human history marked out by our interdependence.
We are going to share the future. The only question is what are the terms of the sharing?
Britain’s future prosperity must be sought in an interdependent world from which there are no opt outs and where we can no longer afford empty chairs. The message could not be clearer.
For trade and sustaining millions of jobs, to defend ourselves against terrorists and people smugglers, to prevent unscrupulous competitors in other parts of Europe undercutting us, to use our energy resources to best effect and to ensure our security and stability, there is no alternative but to co-operate with the neighbours.
That means leading them, not leaving them. [...]
Europe. It has always mattered.
Full piece on The Mirror

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