There has been a huge rise in the importance of the economy on the EU referendum debate. The proportion of Britons saying that the economy is one of the three most important factors influencing their decision on how to vote has increased 17 points since February (from 38% to 55%), seeing it jump from the third to first on the list of most important issues.
Despite this suggesting the Government’s “project fear” campaigning on the economy has cut through with voters, the public appears not to have bought David Cameron’s warning that leaving the EU could risk war. Although more people think a major war in Europe would be more likely if Britain left the EU (11%) than if it remained (3%), the vast majority of people (85%) say it would make no difference.
Overall, the Remain campaign retains its lead over Leave. After modelling for turnout, 52% say they would vote for Remain, compared to 41% who say they would vote Leave (slightly up from last month), with 7% saying they don’t know. In a vote, this would see Remain defeat Leave 57% to 43%.
Around half of the public think that Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey joining the EU would make it less secure (47%) and worse off (48%).
Three in five Britons (62%) think that the three million people coming into the UK from the EU over the next 14 years used by Treasury to project the economic impact of Brexit is “too high” a level of immigration. Seven in ten (69%) think it would increase pressure on the NHS and other public services compared to just 15% who think it would help better fund and staff the NHS and other public services.
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