[...] The vote was clearly painted by David Cameron and others as being one that would decide the issue of the EU once and for all. The result is there, and no “undo” button is available to erase it. Indeed, any attempt to do so would risk causing unfathomable damage for a long period, both in the UK and in the rest of Europe.
Some pause for reflection will be necessary, both to allow Britain’s political landscape to settle and to allow the shamefully plan-less leave campaigners to come up with a strategy to go forwards. However, this time out must be short. The EU has crucial issues to address, and a state of limbo makes this difficult. The UK, meanwhile, needs to reunite its people and provide economic certainty, both of which are next to impossible if limbo persists.
Now that the country has full clarity on its new prime minister, after the summer I expect the British government to notify its intention to withdraw the UK from the EU. Talks must then start without rancour. The UK should not be treated as a deserter but as a family member who is still loved but has decided to go in another direction. There is no intention to ensure that the UK receives a bad deal, but it is clear that there can be no better deal with the EU than EU membership. The EU moreover must look out for its members’ interests and uphold its founding principles. The single market, for example, entails four freedoms (capital, goods, services, persons) and not three, or three and a half.
Negotiations must be concluded swiftly. The world will not sit idly by as Europeans navel-gaze. Both the UK and the EU need to quickly turn the page and focus on people’s needs, and geopolitical challenges. The European parliament, which must consent to the withdrawal agreement, will contribute constructively to the negotiations. Its views need to receive the utmost consideration; without its input there could be no deal and the UK would be forced into a World Trade Organisation-style relationship, which is neither in the interest of the UK nor the EU.
The EU for its part can never be the same again. We must learn from the result of the referendum, while on the other hand not over-interpreting it. For decades the UK tabloids have performed mass brainwashing, and the leave campaign force-fed their readers with intolerance of foreigners. No change to the EU will convince those who have fallen victim to these factors. A bonfire of the EU is therefore not the way forwards. [...]
This EU space is certainly in need of reform, but more importantly it needs to be reset. Semantics are important because, while “reform” is a cliche, “reset” points to a fresh start. This fresh start would first and foremost recommit the EU to delivering what people need. Sixty years ago, it was peace and tolerance; today it is about safeguarding wellbeing and social justice, and protecting our values in a globalised world. Second, rather than persevering in the futile and fractious debate of intergovernmentalism versus federalism, big decisions should be taken on which instruments to give the EU to deliver. [..]
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