The inquiry will consider the impact on the Common Travel Area, trade relationships, the Irish land border, North/South relations, the peace process, the rights of UK and Irish nationals to live and work in each other’s countries, and UK-Irish interparliamentary liaison.
This is one of a series of short inquiries on the implications of Brexit being undertaken over the coming months by the EU Committee and its Sub-Committees.
The inquiry will begin with a public meeting on 6 September 2016, at which the Irish Ambassador, His Excellency Dan Mulhall, will give evidence. Further evidence will be taken in the coming weeks from expert witnesses in Dublin, Belfast and from the UK Government.
No public call for evidence will be issued as part of this inquiry, though the Committee will be interested to receive the views of stakeholders on the issues outlined below. Any submissions should be sent to the Committee, at, no later than 30 September 2016.
With regard to the Irish land border, how real is that the present 'soft border' arrangements will be undermined by Brexit?
How can effective North-South relations on the island of Ireland be maintained and enhanced during Brexit?
Is it possible, and if so how, to retain the current Common Travel Area arrangements following UK withdrawal?
How will Brexit affect the rights of UK and Irish citizens who live and work in each other's countries?
What will be the impact on the trading relationship between Ireland and the UK?
Inquiry site
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