The tyranny of the majority should not prevail, former Tory prime minister said. Another former Prime Minister, Tony Blair has also argued that Brexit can be stopped “if British people decide that.”
Former British Prime Minister John Major said he sees a “perfectly credible” case for a second referendum on Brexit, the Times reported Friday.
Major, a former leader of the Conservative party, told guests at a private dinner on Thursday that the 48 percent of people who had voted for the Remain campaign at the June 23 referendum should have their say on the separation deal from the EU.
“I find that very difficult to accept. The tyranny of the majority has never applied in a democracy and it should not apply in this particular democracy,” Major said.
He accepted that the U.K. will not be a full member of the EU, he said, adding that he still hopes for a deal that would enable the country to stay as close to the EU’s single market as possible. It’s “the richest market mankind has ever seen,” he said.
His comments come after another former Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on Thursday said that Brexit can be stopped “if British people decide that.”
Prime Minister Theresa May has ruled out a second referendum. “We must continue to be very clear that Brexit means Brexit,” May said after the June 23 vote.
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