European citizens living in Britain after Brexit should remain under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, according to remarkable proposals tabled by senior European Commission negotiators, the Telegraph has learned.
The radical idea - which is certain to be rejected by Britain - was set out at a meeting between Michel Barnier, the chief European Commission negotiator and officials from the 27 other EU member states, according to an EU diplomat familiar with the discussions.
"The European Commission legal service was of the view that a political declaration on the rights of EU citizens in the UK would not be enough and that EU law must be available to EU citizens after Brexit, under the jurisdiction of the ECJ," said the source. [...]
European negotiators are concerned that British citizens living in the Europe after Brexit will have rights that are guranteed under EU law to third-country nationals, but that these might not be reciprocated by the UK. [...]
Several EU member states at the meeting questioned whether it was "realistic" to expect the UK to agree to ECJ jurisdiction, but the Commission insisted it was paramount to protect EU law and the court's jurisdiction. [...]
Full article on The Telegraph
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