The European Council on 15 December 2016 adopted conclusions on migration, security, economic and social development, youth, Cyprus, and external relations.
16. The European Council welcomes the agreement reached in the Council on the extension of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI), which should be adopted by the colegislators in the first half of 2017. It also notes that the Council is now ready to engage in negotiations with the European Parliament on the modernisation of Trade Defence Instruments.
17. It reiterates the importance of the various Single Market strategies and the Energy Union, which should be completed and implemented by 2018. By then, certain key issues need to be resolved. 2 It welcomes the progress achieved so far and urges all Institutions to build on this momentum and further increase the level of ambition notably in the vital areas of services and the Digital Single Market, ahead of the March 2017 European Council. It calls for removing remaining obstacles within the Single Market, including those hampering the free flow of data.
18. The European Council calls for the continuation of the Youth Guarantee and welcomes the increased support for the Youth Employment Initiative. It also calls for work to be taken forward on the recent Commission initiatives dedicated to youth, including those on mobility, education, skills development and the European Solidarity Corps.
19. The European Council calls on the Council and the Commission to evaluate the impact of mainstreaming industrial policy into the EU strategic initiatives and to consider concrete action to strengthen and modernise the industrial base of the Single Market.
20. The European Council underlines the need to complete the Banking Union in terms of reducing and sharing risks in the financial sector, in the appropriate order, as set out in the Council conclusions of 17 June 2016 on a roadmap to this effect. In that context, the European Council calls on the Council to rapidly examine the recent Commission proposals to increase resilience in the financial sector. [...]
European Council conclusions
© European Council

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