Campa talked about the measures taken by banks in relation to COVID-19 and their future support for the recovery after the pandemic. He also spoke about the full, timely and consistent implementation of Basel III and the importance of a high quality regulatory framework for a robust EU banking sector.
Thank you for allowing me to speak here today. Before I start, let me first thank ISDA for its constructive collaboration over the years. As I am sure you all know, while I think the principles behind banking regulation tend to be simple, the regulation in itself can be (bloody) difficult and requires significant technical expertise. It is therefore important that we can have the high level discussions, which we are having here today, but I also appreciate the more technical contributions and exchanges with ISDA staff, for instance in the area of FRTB implementation. These exchanges, both today, but also at the more technical level, create a better understanding on the objectives and challenges that both banking regulators and the industry have in common – even though we may not always agree.
Today, I want to talk about three things. Firstly, a look back on the measures taken in relation with COVID-19. Secondly, I want to talk about the Basel III implementation, where I see a loyal and swift implementation of Basel III in the EU as desirable. Finally, I want to talk more broadly about what I see as needed to support the recovery after COVID-19. In particular how banks, supervisors and regulators can play a key role in both managing the risks of NPL losses, but also highlight that we have a responsibility to ensure that the corporate restructuring of firms hit by COVID-19 is done in a proper manner to ensure a sound recovery....
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