Interview with Cyprus News Agency: What challenges do you see for the European banking sector going forward? What are the main risks and vulnerabilities it faces?
More than one year has passed since the outbreak of the
COVID-19 pandemic. What challenges do you see for the European banking
sector going forward? What are the main risks and vulnerabilities it
European banks have demonstrated considerable
resilience during the pandemic thanks to both the extraordinary
coordinated public policy measures and the efforts to strengthen their
fundamentals since the great financial crisis through regulatory
reforms, including the creation of ECB Banking Supervision.
Nevertheless, looking ahead, a few challenges remain. The two major ones
are asset quality and persistently low profitability in the banking
Regarding asset quality challenges, the upcoming gradual
withdrawal of government support measures has the potential to lead to
an increase in non-performing loans (NPLs). Therefore, it is important
that banks recognise and manage credit risk proactively and that any
deficiencies in this area be addressed swiftly. This is especially true
for banks in countries that depend on sectors which have proven to be
particularly vulnerable to the economic effects of the pandemic, such as
food and accommodation or commercial real estate.
With respect to
the second major challenge, structurally low profitability was a
characteristic of the European banking sector in general even before the
pandemic, underscoring the need for banks to take advantage of
digitalisation and consolidation opportunities. Banks need to implement
initiatives to improve the sustainability of their business models and
boost cost efficiency, hopefully taking on board some of the lessons
learned from harnessing technology during the pandemic-induced
A lot has been said about a new wave of NPLs as
a result of the pandemic. What are the signs so far? As banks have
actually managed to reduce their NPL ratio during the pandemic, are the
fears of a new NPL spike warranted?
Indeed, the NPL ratio
in the euro area has declined during the pandemic. This is also true
for Cyprus, where, according to Central Bank of Cyprus data, the NPL
ratio decreased to 17.7% in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 27.9% in the
same period in 2019. However, NPLs are expected to increase once public
support measures are completely lifted. Typically, this impact will
materialise with some delay and, due to the prevailing uncertainty, it
is difficult to estimate the timing and size of an increase in NPLs. So
it’s important to recognise early on any difficulties borrowers may have
in making repayments, especially once pandemic-related support measures
and payment moratoria expire. Responding to such situations with sound
restructurings is an excellent credit risk management tool that has the
advantage of both helping borrowers and avoiding cliff effects. This is
why in ECB Banking Supervision we are focusing on the need to strengthen
credit risk management and identify credit deterioration and asset
quality as swiftly and accurately as possible.
As the pandemic
unfolded, threatening lives and our economy, we responded by introducing
extraordinary prudential flexibility. We continue to encourage banks to
use their capital and liquidity buffers for lending purposes and to
absorb losses. We will not require them to start replenishing buffers
until at least the end of 2022. At the same time, we are encouraging
banks to adhere to credit risk management requirements, such as having
strong processes in place to distinguish between temporary and permanent
credit deterioration induced by the pandemic. This will help to avoid
the build-up of new NPLs on balance sheets, which would threaten the
economic recovery as we emerge from the pandemic.
would you describe the course of the Cypriot banking sector during the
pandemic? Can Cypriot banks cope with a possible new wave of NPLs given
the high levels of legacy NPLs?
Compared with the 2013
crisis, Cypriot banks are now better prepared to deal with an increase
in distressed debt. Their capital positions today are stronger than they
were in the immediate post-crisis period and there has been significant
progress in making their balance sheets more resilient. According to
Central Bank of Cyprus data, NPLs in Cyprus declined by €23.2 billion
between December 2014 and December 2020. Even though the first
moratorium expired at the end of 2020, we need to keep in mind that we
are still in a period of great uncertainty about the overall impact of
the pandemic on borrowers and thus on bank balance sheets. We haven’t
yet seen the potential effects of the full withdrawal of fiscal support
measures materialise on bank balance sheets. We don’t yet know whether
certain sectors will struggle more than others once the support is no
longer available. What we do know from experience is that credit
impairments typically emerge only after some delay, and we know that we
do not yet have data on potential future bankruptcies that may be latent
on balance sheets now. Consequently, Cypriot banks need to be prepared
for the impact of the pandemic on their balance sheets and plan
Supervisory Board Chair Andrea Enria recently
said that 40% of supervised banks follow outdated credit risk
practices. Does that also apply to Cypriot banks? How do you assess the
provisioning practices of Cypriot banks, especially in the midst of the
I don’t want to enter into a discussion
regarding individual countries or specific banks. Let me instead give
you some perspective based on the overall picture of banks that we
supervise. About 40% of the banks are falling short of what we expect
regarding their provisioning practices, the classification of their
loans, flagging forbearance measures, and the strength of their
operational capability to prepare for the expected increase in NPLs.
Rather surprisingly for a crisis situation, in some portfolios we
discovered improvement in credit risk parameters (ratings), especially
for probability of default. This may be the result of banks not fully
including the impact of 2020 in their risk estimates yet, relying
instead on 2019 borrower financials. And we need to consider whether
some support measures such as public guarantees may be the reason behind
better ratings and if so, whether such improved ratings will be
sustainable over the longer term. But these concerns are being
addressed, also thanks to the persistence of our supervisors.
addition, banks with higher shares of loans under moratoria may face
challenges in recognising risks on a borrower-by-borrower basis. This
has to improve – credit risk practices need to be enhanced to overcome
these challenges. Banks need to be forming a clear picture of potential
underlying credit deterioration and providing the required transparency.
In this regard, we are monitoring banks’ provisioning practices
The Cypriot authorities are considering turning
KEDIPES, the state-owned asset management company mandated with winding
down the NPLs of the now defunct Cyprus Cooperative Bank, into a
system-wide bad bank. What is the ECB’s response to such a project and
what are the conditions set out by the supervisor?
banks have made significant progress in reducing NPLs, as I mentioned.
However, by all accounts, the NPL ratio in Cyprus remains high and the
effects of the pandemic are still a source of uncertainty. Increased and
sustained efforts, together with growth-oriented economic policies,
will be required to substantially reduce NPLs. As banking supervisors,
we welcome broader possibilities for banks to reduce NPLs: from
securitisations to establishing well-designed asset management
companies. If appropriately designed, state-supported solutions for
promoting NPL disposal can complement banks’ own efforts by offering
additional options to tackle NPLs more swiftly.
The success of
asset management schemes as an effective solution to reduce NPLs depends
on many factors: a well-functioning foreclosure framework is critical,
as is the feasibility of the scheme’s time horizon and the type of
assets transferred to the scheme (e.g. retail versus corporate
exposures). In the case of KEDIPES, my understanding is that plans to
extend the existing scheme to a national level still need to be
finalised. Close attention is required to mitigate the risks of the
scheme, as well as concerns regarding overall payment discipline.
that the banking sector in Cyprus is burdened with high NPLs, how would
you describe efforts by lawmakers to amend the law on foreclosures?
From the supervisor’s perspective, could such an amendment trigger
increased requirements, either on capital or otherwise?
protecting borrowers can benefit the economy and banks alike if they
are properly designed and implemented. But such policies can also
backfire and destabilise the banking sector if designed in a haphazard
manner. So, the right mix has to be found. Let’s not forget that while
banks have reduced NPLs on their balance sheets, it does not mean that
debts have magically disappeared: they are still present elsewhere in
the Cypriot economy. Adequate policies must therefore be in place.
Cyprus, the amendments to the insolvency and foreclosure framework have
indeed helped to remove some of the impediments to the insolvency
framework and the foreclosure procedure. This initially reduced the
delays caused by the various procedures. But there are several more
impediments that need to be addressed, such as the low uptake of the
insolvency and pre-insolvency tools, and existing backlogs in the
judicial system. In addition, the amendments made to the foreclosure
framework last year, enabling recourse to the Financial Ombudsman for
breach of the Code of Conduct and extending the timelines of the various
steps of the procedure, risk a negative impact on banks and may cause
further delays.
Many believe that Cyprus is overbanked,
despite significant consolidation since the 2013 crisis. Do you think
that mergers and acquisitions are necessary given the current challenges
such as low profitability and growing competition from fintechs?
a supervisor, I can tell you that decisions on mergers and acquisitions
must be made solely by market participants. Our role is neither to push
for nor hinder consolidation. Yet, we are here to ensure that the
resulting business combination complies with prudential requirements and
ensures effective and prudent risk management. Those principles are
clarified in the ECB Guide on the supervisory approach to consolidation in the banking sector
that was published in January 2021. There is indeed a problem of
overcapacity in some countries, which can be dealt with in different
ways. Consolidation is of course one of the possible options:
well-designed and properly executed consolidation projects can help
address long-standing structural issues, such as low profitability and
However, consolidation is not the only option
available to improve structural profitability and cost efficiency in the
Cypriot banking sector. For example, for institutions with extensive
branch networks, digitalisation could produce significant cost savings
if supported by efficient internal governance and reorganisation. One of
our supervisory priorities is the assessment of banks’ business models
and profitability, also in the light of increasing digitalisation, which
has received a boost from the pandemic situation and physical
distancing rules. In this regard, our supervisory teams will continue to
closely monitor the strategic plans of banks and the underlying
measures they implement in order to deal with structural deficiencies.
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