Tthe Committee cautions the Government against complacency. It is not yet clear whether the impact of Brexit on the sector has fully played out.
Financial services are an important component of the UK economy,
employing 2.3 million people and making up 10% of total UK tax receipts.
The sector is also an significant contributor to the UK’s international
trade, comprising 19.1% of all UK services exports. The EU is an
important trading partner in this sector, making up 37% of total UK
financial services exports in 2019.
The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation (TCA) was agreed on 24 December and
entered into force on 1 January 2021. Among other matters, the TCA
established the foundation for a trading relationship between the UK and
EU reflecting the UK’s status as a third country following the UK’s
exit from the European Union.
The TCA’s provisions in the area of financial services were limited.
The UK and EU agreed alongside the TCA that they would conclude a
Memorandum of Understanding on regulatory cooperation, but this has
still not been signed 18 months on. The UK has also so far only received
two equivalence decisions from the EU, both of which were time-limited
and only one of which is still in force.
The Committee’s report is based on an inquiry undertaken between
February and April 2022. The scope of the inquiry included the impact so
far on the UK financial services sector of the UK’s exit from the
Single Market; the impact of the absence of a functioning framework for
UK-EU regulatory cooperation; the future of cross-border financial
services in the absence of equivalence; and the impact of regulatory
divergence and agreements with third countries on UK-EU financial
services trade. The inquiry involved seven oral evidence sessions with a
total of 16 witnesses, as well as 12 written submissions.
The report
The Committee’s key findings and conclusions are as follows:
- The Committee concludes that the overall outlook for the UK
financial services sector post-Brexit is positive. Far fewer financial
services jobs have moved from the UK to the EU as a result of Brexit
than some anticipated; current estimates suggest 7,000 jobs have moved,
compared to estimates of 75,000 in 2016. London has retained its
position as the world's second largest financial centre, and there was a
strong sense that the sector has remained resilient.
- However, the Committee cautions the Government against complacency.
It is not yet clear whether the impact of Brexit on the sector has fully
played out. The Committee also calls on the Government to ensure that
its approach to financial services delivers for the whole of the country
and its economy, not only for the City of London.
- In terms of the Government’s plans to give more powers to the
financial services regulators, the Committee notes the greater
flexibility and agility this may bring. However, it stresses that new
powers for the regulators must be accompanied by appropriate mechanisms
for scrutiny and accountability, including by Parliament.
- Post-Brexit regulatory divergence is inevitable as the result of
developments in both the UK and the EU. The Committee sees opportunities
in divergence, which will allow the UK to innovate and tailor its
regulation to its own interests. However, it also urges the Government
to weigh the benefits of divergence against the costs of implementing
new rules. In addition, it is concerned that the EU’s increasing
emphasis on ‘strategic autonomy’ could lead to barriers to cross-border
trade in financial services.
- The UK has inevitably lost influence over the development of future
EU financial services rules post-Brexit, but the Committee is concerned
that the Government appears unwilling to utilise the influence it still
has. This is part of a detectable theme that has emerged in other work
carried out by the Committee: the Government seems reluctant to
recognise the importance of the UK-EU relationship, seeming unwilling to
fully engage with the EU institutions, or to acknowledge that
developments in the EU still have significance for the UK.
- The Committee found that the absence of EU equivalence decisions for
the UK reflects a political, rather than technical, approach on the
part of the EU, and it appears that the UK is being held to a higher
standard than other countries in this regard. The Committee concludes,
however, that the absence of EU equivalence decisions has had less
adverse impact than initially feared and that it would, therefore, be
unwise for the Government to base its strategy for financial services on
a process that it cannot control, and which currently seems unlikely to
bear fruit.
- The Committee found that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on
regulatory cooperation is being held up because of wider difficulties in
the UK-EU relationship. The Committee believes that this MoU would
provide a valuable mechanism for strategic dialogue and considers that
its earliest possible entry into force should be a priority for the
Government. It also calls on the Government to step up its political and
diplomatic engagement with the EU regarding financial services.
Chair's comments
Lord Kinnoull, Chair of the Committee, said:
“Despite the challenges Brexit presented to the
sector, our Committee has been encouraged by the generally positive
outlook for UK financial services. The strength and resilience of the
sector is clear, with significantly fewer job moves than originally
feared, and London retaining its status as Europe’s leading financial
“However, this must not lead to complacency. The full impact
of the UK’s departure from the EU has yet to play out and there are many
ongoing factors, including EU regulatory and political decision-making,
that may have a significant impact on the sector, with the risk that
further jobs could leave the UK. The Government must remain alert to
these challenges if the UK is to retain its position as a global player
for financial services.
“I note the array of major reviews and consultations
in train on financial services regulation. Such careful analysis is
welcome, but the delivery of change is very largely yet to come and
striking the balance between the maintenance of high international
standards and ensuring that regulation is proportionate is key.
“Another highly important matter for the future is
the engagement on financial services between the UK and the EU. Some
aspects of this are currently impacted by the impasse over the Northern
Ireland Protocol. When this is resolved it will be essential that the
Government uses all of the influence and diplomatic resources at its
disposal to engage with the EU and its institutions and, indeed, vice
“Finally, I note that more than half of financial
services jobs are outside London. The Government must also ensure that
its policies for financial services deliver for the economy across the
whole of the country.”
Report: The UK-EU relationship in fiancial services (PDF)
House of Lords
© House of Lords

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