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11 November 2013

G-SIBs: Information regarding the end-2012 exercise published by the Basel Committee

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In conjunction with the publication by the FSB of the updated list of global systemically important banks, the BCBS has published additional information regarding the G-SIB methodology.

In accordance with the timeline set out in its updated methodology for assessing and identifying G-SIBs, the Basel Committee has published:

  • the denominators that were used to calculate the scores of banks in the end-2012 exercise; and
  • the cut-off score and bucket thresholds that were used to identify the updated list of G-SIBs and to allocate them to buckets.

The information published today will enable banks that participated in the G-SIB exercise to calculate their end-2012 scores and see their positions within the buckets that, in future exercises, will determine their higher loss absorbency (HLA) requirement. The HLA requirements start to come into effect on 1 January 2016, based on end-2013 data.

Full news

Denominators used to calculate the scores of sample banks

Cut-off score and bucket thresholds

FSB-announces 2013 update of group of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs)

© BIS - Bank for International Settlements

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