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26 June 2013

European Council: Agreement on the review of the Professional Qualifications Directive

The Committee of Permanent Representatives today endorsed the agreement reached on 12 June between the Irish Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament representatives for the review of the Professional Qualifications Directive.

The agreement paves the way for the formal adoption of the new directive by the European Parliament and the Council through a vote in the coming months (10003/2/13).

The review is aimed at making the current system of mutual recognition of professional qualifications more efficient in order to achieve greater mobility of skilled workers across the EU.

The proposal for amending the current Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC2was presented by the Commission in December 2011 (18899/11) as a part of the 12 priority measures contained in the Single Market Act for promoting growth and job creation.

The main features of the agreement include the creation of a European professional card; changes to the current system, such as the insertion of the principle of partial access to certain professions and the clarification of training requirements, as well as measures for a better use of existing instruments such as the Internal Market Information (IMI) system.

Full press release

See also statement by the Irish presidency, 12.6.13

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