European Union member states must back their political pledges with money to revive growth, create jobs, encourage research and development, and enable the EU to do its foreign policy job.
An agreement on additional funds for 2014 is a prerequisite for Parliament to do a deal on next year's budget with Council, MEPs added.
Parliament raised commitment appropriations to €146,380.9 million and payment appropriations to €146,416.5 million for 2015. The Parliament's position on the draft budget was approved by 464 votes to 186, with 46 abstentions.
ˮWith only 1% of EU GNI, the EU budget can give a push to national budgets and encourage growth and employment. Our priorities are the same as those of the Council, but the Council does not want to finance themˮ, said Ms Eider Gardiazábal (S&D, ES), the main rapporteur on the 2015 budget, during the debate.
Full press release
European Voice: Tug-of-war over annual budget gets under way
The European Commission and members of the European Parliament are preparing for a bruising battle with the member states over the European Union’s next annual budget.
Three-way negotiations on the 2015 budget are to begin on Tuesday (28 October), the start of a 21-day conciliation period. Failure to reach a deal by 17 November would, in theory, mean that the Commission would have to submit a new proposal – although the experience of years past suggests that the days immediately following the deadline might be a good opportunity to strike a compromise.
Full article on European Voice (subscription required)
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