Setting Europe in Motion: Juncker's Main Messages from his speech
Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker started off by saying that in a speech to the European Parliament on July 15, he introduced the general guidelines of the new Commission on the basis of the treaty. This was not an empty exercise, he said; he did set out projects and substances of Work Programme. Commissioners who will make up the College of Commissioners are bound by these general guidelines, he underlined.
This does not mean that they are blindly obedient; he will not start his new career as a dictator. The Commissioners should feel free, he said, and ensured that he will do all in his powers to create a politicalCollege of Commissioners. The political views of the commissioners will be respected, but aligned to the Work Programme through which he is bound to the European Parliament. He has a contract with the European Parliament and he intends to respect its terms, he said.
Jean-Claude Juncker then paid tribute to the presidency of José Manuel Barroso, who had to manage the important years of financial crisis and its consequences. The Commission of Barroso was able to welcome 13 new Member States to the European Union, he also noted, and thanked the previous Commission President for his extraordinary work.
He continued his speech in German when entering into the question of the investment package. In July, he promised that he would make available a EUR 300 bn investment package of crucial importance to the European economy and citizens. Europe is going through a period of low investment, he said, noting an average of 20% drop in investment in EU states. H
He will not be distracted from this investment project, he promised, upon which he received applauses from the MEPs. However, the investment programme cannot be financed through further contracting of debt, he continued. Public money must be used in a smart way; private investors, entrepreneurs and leaders in the economic world have and important role to play, he insisted. He declared that he will not make available the investment programme within the three first months of the launching of the new Commissioners-designate, as planned. He believed that the new package will be presented before Christmas.
He insisted on targeted investment which leads to more growth in the mid-term and strengthens the European growth potential. Combatting unemployment must be done hand-in-hand with the private sector. He insisted in particular on the need for investment in the European digital economy.
As for the Stability and Growth Pact, he said that he will abide by what the European Council decided on the 27th of June; the rules will not be changed, but will be implemented with a degree of flexibility. We will do what the Council called upon the Commission to do, he said, insisting on budgetary discipline, structural reform and flexibility. Austerity as such does not lead to growth; if it did, there would be massive growth in the EU at this time. He insisted on the need for both investment and flexibility.
Full press release with main messages from European Commission
Political guidelines for the next Commission
Structure of new Commission
Full speech by Jean-Claude Juncker
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